Rook City backer email

I just saw a tweet from “darqhunter” saying how excited he was to have gotten “the rook city backer email”. I haven’t received any such email. Should I be concerned?

There was one last week that was pics of the proof copy. I wonder if that’s what he was referring to. Granted, I’m in KC, and they’re in St. Louis (and LA)… So I have no idea what they’re up to at the moment.

Oh, ok, good. I thought he was referring to some kind of email sent through Kickstarter to people who were backers of Rook City. I was understandably stressed about not getting such an email, since I think I’m a backer of Rook City and I want Kickstarter to think that too. :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know if I get one, but at this point, I haven’t received one today either.

There should not have been any emails sent out to Rook City backers since the proof copy pics - and if there was, I am very surprised, since the Kickstarter campaign is on my Kickstarter account! :slight_smile: