So I have Rook City now! I just need Ambuscade and my collection will be complete...
I played three games today; the first was against Plague Rat in Pike Industrial, and we got slaughtered. The second was Spite in Rook City, and we just barely scraped a win. The third was against the Matriarch... and the win was almost comically easy. The Scholar managed a turn-one Flesh to Iron and kept it up through the whole game, meaning we took no retribution damage from the Matriarch herself at all. An Offensive Transumtation on a Carrion Field dealt with a lot of its damage as well, and both went down pretty quickly; I think one bird died while a Carrion Field was in play and able to hit. Grace Under Fire didn't hut either :P
The Scholar was star player without a doubt, but second came Tempest; every round, he would Squall or Hailstorm and the birds would die. Then more would appear, and they would die also. Fanatic helped a little, and the Volcanic Eruption was just icing on the cake, helping us take down the pesky Mask, the Carrion Fields and the cohorts.
So that was the game. Probably a lot of luck involved, and a nice combination of heroes, but it amused me enough that I felt I had to shre.
Haha, that's cool :D. The Matriarch frequently kicks our arses - this weekend we had a game in which both cohorts came out on the first turn. As a result, we never really got going (Huginn kept breaking too much stuff) and she destroyed us within about fifteen minutes or something :P.
A fun game we had against her was in the Final Wasteland though, a while back - first environment card was a Horrid Skunk Ape. Second was the Unforgiving Wasteland. The Matriarch's deck at the end of the game consisted of all her non-target cards and a single Carrion Field :D.
Had a five-player game vs. Matriarch just this past weekend. Was never so happy to have Argent Adept's Cedistic Dissonance available as when Muninn pulled Huginn back from the trash.
I think our first victory against Iron Legacy was in Rook City...but given that the game lasted about three rounds the environment didn't really have time to do anything, so I'm not sure it counts ;).