This has probably been answered in a previous post (and if so please link it to me), but when Self-Aware Robotics Facility Omnitron has his End of Turn Phase and draws a Drone that activates during the End of Turn Phase, does the drone activate immediately and deal damage or does it take place at the end of the next villain turn?
Yes, anytime a card is played at the end of turn phase and it has an end of turn action than it will do the action. Same if someone was played at the start of turn and has a start of turn action.
Yes. If a drone is pulled from the trash during End of Turn, and it has an End of Turn effect, that effect would then trigger.
On a related note, Absolute Zero has a card (forget the name off the top of my head. sub zero atmosphere?) that makes all End of Turn effects trigger at the Start of Turn instead, giving you a full round to try and deal with that drone before it deals damage.
That would actually be false. As it would give Omnitron that start of turn effect as well. thus bring the Drone (or component) out at the start of the turn, which also will now act at the start of turn. However it will protect from the play phase if that were to be a drone.
Omnitron isn't someone you would want Sub-Zero Atmosphere out unless you have deck manipulation out. On his Rampaging Robot side he just plays a card at the end of his turn. Instead he would play a card at the start and if that card is an Electro-Pulse Explosive than it would act and deal every 15 damage before they have a chance to destroy it.
Another way of looking at the "does this card act on this turn" thing is to remember that cards play in the order they came out - obviously the main villain's character cards were in play first, so they act first. So in this case, at the end of Omnitron's turn you look on his character card for any End Phase actions - on the rampage side it says he plays a card, so you do so and it turns up a drone. Having run out of End Phase actions on Omnitron's card, you move to the next card that came out. The drone that was just played is just added to the line of current cards in play so will perform its actions after any other cards that came out before it (provided those cards also have End Phase actions, of course).