Self-Destruct and shuffling

So I'm aware that normally when something wants to search or reveal cards until X of them are found, if it can't find enough of them the card just completes its text as best it can.  Additionally, revealing cards or searching a deck doesn't trigger a reshuffle, just drawing/discarding/playing.

1. Suppose Self-Destruct Sequence is the only card remaining in the environment deck.  When it's played, does it result in an immediate game over because the countdown pile can't be populated?  Or does the environment trash get shuffled to create the "top 2" cards needed?

Presumably this would fall under the "reshuffle if you need cards but don't have any" rule... but SDS just says to "put the top two" environment cards down, which seems like it's theoretically possible to have fewer than 2 initial cards since you aren't technically playing, drawing, or discarding them.

2. Does skipping your turn to increase the countdown pile force a reshuffle if the environment deck is empty?  Again, this uses "put the top card," which might not exist.


tl;dr Does "putting the top card" somewhere trigger a reshuffle?  The EE rulebook doesn't actually have an official deck-reshuffling wording because of reasons.

I think it WOULD trigger a reshuffle in such cases.

I would reshuffle too as I reshuffle when Nightmist is decked out and I use a spell  that needs revealed values.

I am not quite sure that Nightmist can do that. The rule of thumb is that "reveal" effects do not trigger a reshuffle. Nightmist would fall into that catagory.

With Self-Destruct, you are not "revealing" the cards. You are taking the top two cards to put under. In this sense, yes it would trigger a reshuffle.

Well the way we played it when SDS came up was to reshuffle the trash.  The reason I asked was because the EE rulebook doesn't actually have a wording in it, so I just had to go off of Spiff's errata doc which only mentions play/discard/draw.  And SDS isn't really any of those so much as "card removal" or "card transfer."  (For Nightmist, I'm almost positive that using a spell with an empty deck would lead to the spell "fizzling.")

SDS is kinda weird in other ways, too.  Cards are discarded from the countdown pile every turn, but once the main card goes away, the pile is destroyed rather than discarded.  It's also rather ambiguous about what happens to the countdown pile if the countdown is stopped via environment destruction rather than H+2 cards.  It's an awesomely fun card, but... ERG!

If the SDS sequence is destroyed, the cards under it just get discarded to the trash. When SDS specifically "destroys" cards under it, well that can activate effects that trigger on card destruction. The way the card is worded is correct.

And yes, Nightmist revealing a card from an empty deck leads to a dead spell. 

See, but that's the thing!  The cards aren't actually under SDS, they're next to it in a separate pile.  So while it makes logical sense to play it that way, it's not explicit because it functions differently from all of the other cards of that type.  The abort sequence line tells you to destroy the SDS itself and the countdown pile separately, which could be construed to mean that the countdown pile is a totally independent entity and its fate is not necessarily contingent on the fate of the SDS.

Not that I actually believe any of that, of course.  I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here.  SDS is wordy enough as it is, so there's not really enough space for "If Self-Destruct Sequence leaves play, destroy the countdown pile."

I would play it exactly the same as if they were under SDS. I beleive the intent is the same.