Sentinels at Gen Con

With the structure like a comic storyline, you could also do a ‘continuing’ storyline, such as a major plot arc over, say, 2 years (with a couple of cons, like Pax and Gen Con, that’d be 4 cons that this could run). That might delve into the comic storylines that are ‘already written’ by the SotM folks.

I do like seeing some sort of rewards for making it ‘to the end’ as it were - even if it’s not set up like a traditional tournament, but a series of special battles. It can be an alternate card, or it could be something less costly, such as the artist signing a card…or perhaps just seeing something about future developments that have yet to be released (such as an opportunity to fight a villain that is still in the ‘planning’ stages of a future release).

Another thought - I’m assuming the Story Challenges will have an addendum at some point (with expansions being added, more goals can be acheived). These epic series of ‘con’ battles can be installed as a challenge to be reached. However, you may want to come up with something that makes it unique to conventions, not just something you can do at home with your own set of cards. Whether it be unique cards for a future release, variant rules…

There are some really awesome ideas floating around this thread.

Let me just start by saying that I’d love to be a part of all this if it goes down at Gen Con this year. Hopefully we can all pick a day, because if I go, I’d prefer to go a maximum of two days, assuming that’s probably how long it’ll take for all of this organized play to really go down. And I mean two full days, from doors open to doors close. That seems like enough time.

Now, I really like the idea of multiple groups playing through the same story, so we’d have group of a set number of players that play against the villains in a certain order, and even possibly with a set team of heroes. I’m seeing the story play out in a way similar to the stories of many modern fighting games, like Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat. By that, I mean that the story occurs in between the fights. So he’s what I’m seeing (I’m making this story up on the spot, but I’m sure the creators have the really events written down somewhere):

—STORY: Legacy, Bunker, and Tachyon have been recruited as the first three members of the Freedom Five. Before the other two members have officially joined, a giant robot from Aldred Ind. begins attacking the city of Megaopolis. (Throw in some more story/dialogue from the creators who actually know the whole story)
—BATTLE: A wild giant robot appears! Omnitron! The three heroes fight and save the city!
—STORY: The heroes think they’ve defeated the monstrous robot, but in the throes of death, Omnitron activates the detonator to a huge bomb inside of itself, attempting to take the whole city down. There’s hardly seconds left before the city is destroyed, and the heroes don’t know how to deactivate the bomb, and Legacy doesn’t have time to get it far away enough to keep the city safe. They punch their way to the explosives in the robot, and watch as the timer hits 10 seconds left. Suddenly, a blast of ice engulfs and freezes the very molecules of the explosive compounds, stopping the detonation for just a bit longer. Just enough time for a young girl to jump in and use her astounding knowledge of technology to deactivate the bomb. The strangers introduce themselves as The Wraith and Absolute Zero, and days later, the Freedom Five is officially formed. Weeks later, they receive their first mission: stop a dangerous mad scientist who holds a deep grudge against Legacy!
—BATTLE: (At this point, the players decide what heroes they want, maximum of five heroes are being controlled. The other heroes are assumed to be there, but this way the players don’t overpower the villains) Baron Blade is trying to pull the moon into earth from his base in the Ruins of Atlantis! Bearing a deep grudge against Legacy, the Baron Blade eventually dons a robot suit to match Legacy’s strength. As the two fight a vicious battle, Legacy is almost killed, but he is aided by the sudden appearance of his daughter, Pauline Felicia Parsons! With her help, the heroes win!
—STORY: After Baron Blade is stopped, months pass without incident. But one day, a bald woman approaches them, calling most of them by name and seeming to know them, when none of them seem to know her. She claims to be from the future, and asks if someone they call Mack Dalton has arrived. When they tell her they don’t know anyone named Mack Dalton, she tells them of an alien warlord coming to conquer earth in the near future, and they need to enlist the help of another alien. Soon, an alien recently escaped from F.I.L.T.E.R. agents meets the heroes, and they all travel to the Wagner Mars Base to stop the warlord, as that is where he attacks first.
—BATTLE: Warlord Voss sends his army against the heroes, and eventually joins the battle himself. The heroes do their best to win, but there’s a scenario where something goes very wrong…
—TIMELINE SPLIT: In the midst of the battle, Felicia Parsons is killed. Now also fueled by wrathful vengeance, Legacy and Tempest mercilessly kill Voss. (Insert that timeline’s story here)
—STORY: After meeting with more metahumans, the Freedom Five fight alongside five other heroes, now including Ra, Haka, and Fanatic. The ten only join to fight the greatest threat they’ve ever faced – a woman named Citizen Dawn, and her select team of metahumans dubbed the Citizens of the Sun. A battle for the ages begins.
—BATTLE: The ten heroes fight against Dawn and her thirteen followers on the secluded island of Insula Primalus, hoping to stop the Citizens before they reach civilization. The heroes win, but they are not without loss…
—TIMELINE SPLIT: Multiple potential deaths could occur, including Legacy, Wraith, Absolute Zero, Fanatic, and Haka.

So yeah, that’s the general idea of what I’m getting from the storyline suggestions. Of course, the real story is up the creators. But I’d love for them to start giving us details of the real events, and give us a definite timeline(s).

Oh, and I also agree with the idea of us playing and getting points based on the story achievements and turning in the points for rewards. That’s good. Pretty please let it happen?