Sentinels of the Minecraft-verse

For those of you that play minecraft, we threw together some skins for your use. They’re in the Downloads section on the website. There’s one for every hero and every villain. Apologies for Fanatic’s lack of wings, but there’s not an elegant way to do that yet.

Haha, I saw those last night. Did you throw those together, Adam?

I did indeed. I think Omnitron is my favorite.

Sweet Jesus Adam, I think I love you. My Minecraft just got a hell of a lot better.

So Adam, about how much longer until Rook City and Infernal Relics gets added into the mix of Minecraft?

Yeah, I want to see an Akash’Bhuta skin.

And use an Argent Adept one.

Still, these are awesome. Thanks!

That would be cool! Hopefully we can get those done at some point over the summer, but it will depend on Adam’s art schedule and how excited he is about the project (since the Minecraft skins are a cool thing that Adam does for fun). We shall see!