Shattered Timelines is here?

Shattered Timelines and all the promo decks are up on the store here. Does that mean that it has arrived now and they're busy packing up all the Kickstarter orders as we speak?

I think it is probably allowing people to Pre-Order at this point. Since it is so close to it's arrival.


Though if it has arrived that would be super awesome!

doth my eyes deceive me? the time of shattered is almost upon us!



according to their last kickstarter update, they said they'd try and post when the shippment arrives.

that said, in addition to that, they said their process was basically: pack orders for distributors (as it takes longer to get there and they need the space to pack kickstarter orders; but giving them a streetdate for release such that kickstarter orders can get theirs first), then pack kickstarter orders, then pack website preorders and retailers.... with lots of drinking and pizza breaks mixed in there.

so, my guess is that this is just preorders for when they get to the preorder stage.

If you check out this thread:


Paul says:


We have decided not to do a "pre-order" for Shattered Timelines per-se (since tracking that through our web store is a huge pain). Instead, we'll just be putting Shattered Timelines (and all the new mini-expansions) up on the web store available for purchase as soon as the shipments come in from the printer. You'll then be able to order the game (though it won't ship out until after we ship out Kickstarter backer rewards).

Hm... Must of missed that one. Though that was just over a month ago so maybe things changed? Though I would really like it if ST has arrived!

I'd take it to mean that they have the shipment, and then would jump up and down and whoop a little.

You're going to get a lot of people's hearts to skip a beat with a topic title like this. ;)


May or may not have been intentional.  :smiling_imp:

I think the games may have arrived.


I was on a vid chat w/ Christopher briefly last night and he showed off the stack of packing lists. This was nothing more than one piece of paper (I think) per order. The stack was HUGE. Oh my lord they have a lot of packing and shipping to do.

Hip hop hooray!

Whether or not the games have arrived or not, I'm sure the wonder folks at Greater than Games are not going to give us a date. Unfortunatly with the games industry, there are a lot of factors that are out of thier control, like boats and suchlike. They probably want to avoid what happened to Plaid Hat Games, for sure. 


That said, I am excited things have been a little bit faster, so that's good. Here's hoping for a speedy delivery!

So seeing as they said they are shipping out in mid-march the next week or two would most likely be them organizing everything. But earlier would definitely be a welcome sight.


Side note: Anyone think we would see the mini-expansions grouped into a combo pack? Cause I think right now what draws future people is having to pay $28 close to $30 before shipping for all the mini-expansion. Which has less content than a normal expansion.

I am not familiar with this reference. Please enlighten me. 

(i figure the next couple weeks will just be logistical organizing and such. they are a 3 man team... an awesome 3 man team, but a 3 man team (and whatever friends/family they can guilt in to helping) so to go through it all will take some time for them)

Personally, I would say "expect it at the end of March" and if you get it before then, it will be a pleasant surprise.  :)

Is FedEx the absolute only shipping option? I'm fully prepared to give my money straight to Greater than Games, rather than waiting for, say, or eBay or something, but with FedEx I am terribly concerned that the package would never arrive at my house.

Someone on BGG posted saying they ordered Shattered Timelines from the website and received an email saying it would be shipped "early next week". The post is dated 3/2/13!  That would be excellent news if it is indeed true. 

El Diablo!  But I must say, Dedlius: You're my kind of bastard.

On another note, checked my e-mail this morning, and there was a shipping notification from FedEx saying they had picked up my order from >G!

Shattered Timelines is coming!  SHATTERED TIMELINES IS COMING!

To top it off, we're getting tracking numbers this time, so I can obsess over it in detail rather than stare longingly out my living room window for the next week!

Oh man, work this week is gonna suck

Cue the fireworks!

Yeah, that was DEFINITELY not an email I was expecting today. :smiley:

A game company that ships before the theoretical deadline.  Isn't that against the guild's rules?  I see me clicking the FedEx tracking page's reload button many times in the next few days.