Shattered Timelines Received!

Received, sleeved, ready for play tonight!


How did I get 'em this quick? Nothing special, I assure you. My first name starts with 'A', so I was early in the process, Indianapolis is relatively close to St. Louis, and I happened to go home for lunch, so was there when Fedex dropped off the delivery.


Couldn't figure out how to embed an uploaded image. If you're curious, the attached image shows the briefcase I use to store Sentinels. Still working great with these additions, but no way it will hold Vengeance.

Nice and Congrats!  I think I'll have to add a row for vengance, eventually, but the new heroes, etc., should fit in my Harbor Freight equipment box.  Did yo knit the chainmail dicebag yourself?  My mother-in-law gave me one for Christmas last year.

My MiL gets me.  How cool is that?

My name starts with a V! How horrible is that? 

If it's being done by username then yay, I'm an A. However, I'm presuming I'll get mine somewhat later than loads of other people due to living about 3000 or so miles away on the other side of the Atlantic :P.

I've heard that we're getting FedEx tracking info this time around, but even though my last name starts with "B", I haven't received anything even though "A"s are already receiving their boxes.  I'm going to try hard to not be as irritated by the process this time around as last time, but I can already tell it's going to be difficult.

Good to know that some other people haven't recieved email notifications yet.  I was getting worried.

Ya me too

From what I've heard it's all based on first name alphabetical.

Remind me next time to order it in my daughters name. 

No kidding.  Next time, I'll be Aaron Aaronson.  Lesson learned. ;)

If it's based on first name (which makes no sense, but moving on...), then I'll settle in for a wait.  Mine's middle of the alphabet.

I wish I were cool enough to have made the chainmail dicebag. Purchased it at InConJunction last year.

I know the wait will be hard, but it's already being sent out way ahead of schedule, so I'm just gonna assume two more weeks and TRY not sweat it too much. 

These guys have to mail out hundreds and hundreds of boxes... maybe a couple thousand actually, so I'm not gonna judge their methods. 

Just takes a metal rod, an electric drill, an angle grinder, a two by four, some bar clamps, some vices, two needle nose pliers, and an incredible amount of patience for doing the same thing over and over again until you have tendonitis and bizarre callouses.

It's like knitting, except with steel.

When I made my SCA armor, I did not go the way of chainmail.

it can't be by username since I shipped too and my first name starts with a D. It has to be first name. 

Arse. Looks like I have to wit till E then ;).

My first name starts with "F" and I got my email on Monday that it had shipped.  FedEx says it should be here by Thursday.  Could it be based on backer level or timeliness of returning the backer survey?

Thir shipping priority is wrong since clearly mine should have been first!! :p


Joking aside...who cares on what order they are using? I would say that best one is purely random, but my guess is that they will sort by pledge levels (only ST, etc...) then those with strange a la carte, since they have to go one by one and put elements in. In any case, >G guys you are doing a great job! I think it is the first time a KS project has been delivered BEFORE schedule ;)


To the lucky ones...could you post a few pics of the bosses here, on youtube, or on BGG? I would love to get an idea of the mechanics, specially of strange ones like Miss-information, or the Scholar

Shit, I still haven't gotten my Confirmation number yet.

Mine was strange a la carte (multiple expansions, extra decks, mini expansions) and it still shipped monday. If you look at the names of who got shipped already it has to be first name. The other factor was that I was additional allies level but I don't think that is it. 

I love the timing by the way because I just took a huge annual test and can now dedicate some time to anything but studying.