Now me and my friends are not exactly sure how to rule this but in the errata she can deal up to x targets 3 sonic damage per burst card. So he makes his target the bad guy with with all his attacks doing somewhere in the ballpark of 40 plus damage. Is this right can someone please clear this up for us thanks.
This would be three DIFFERENT targets.
Technically, X different targets, but yes. Damage dealt out this way cannot deal the same target twice (without some clever redirection anyway).
Err yeah. My bad. Just woke up, saw a three.
Wow thanks for the quick response. The way we read it was any of the cards that said can hit multiple targets we were thinking it was able to hit said single target multiple times. There are cards that say hit different targets for x damage. So are we right thinking we can hit a target x times with the same one shot or power? And if so why is tacheon so different?
Any time a card references damage being done to a number of targets, they must always be different targets. No beating down the poor defenseless villain like that.
Sonic Vortex is essentially saying “Choose up to X targets, inflict 3 sonic damage on the targets” in a single sentence, it is not multiple lines of “Chose a target, inflict 3 damage on that target”, once something has been chosen as a target for a power it is no longer a valid target for that same sentence of a card/power.
A (theoretical) power that allowed you to hit the same target more than once would read “Invincible Jones deals a target 2 lightning damage. Invincible jones deals a target 2 infernal damage” because it’s not specifying a second target and it’s two separate sentences.
(Related thread with answer from the designers Here)
Wow thanks for clearing that up for me. This game just got way harder for my group.