SotM brought to "life"

Did this using Champions online and might do the rest, I know hes not a perfect copy but it was the best I could do.
Let me know what you think and if there is any interest in seeing the rest.

Looks awesome! I’m not familiar with the game. How well were you able to represent his powers within it?

Haven’t messed around with the powers to much but you can give him both fire and ice powers!

Here is Fanatic

My, they look even better then what I thought they could be on there. I’ve considered giving it a whirl myself, but I figured it would annoy me more since I tend to not get things to look exactly the way I want it to.

Not bad. Only thing really missing is the cloth that hangs from the front of her belt. (Is there a name for that?)

It’s def a pain. Specially since slot of the options are hidden behind menus. Is this something you’d all like to see the rest? If there is no intrest I’ll stop lol otherwise I can do more!

Yeah I couldn’t find a good option for the “front skirt”

I think it’s pretty cool. I’m only one person, but I’d be interested in seeing more.

Those are awesome!! Now I want to play with character builders.

Too bad they don’t have a leg armor option for women. The fishnets make me think she’s been raiding Black Canary’s closet :stuck_out_tongue:

The leg armor is some where in there but I’m starting to get hungry! lol I’ll do some more after I eat and maybe try doing some in City of heroes or DCU. Thanks for the intrest!

man I love this game btw! Hope all the intrest on Bgg lights a fire under thier you know what so we can get some more cards :slight_smile:

those are awesome…

Looks like she only gets pauldrons for armor which can’t be very efficient in a sword fight…

(One of the aspects of the game I like best is that Fanatic wears real armor not just a push up bra and spandex)

here are two more!

looks like i was able to find it for the males ::slight_smile:

And here is the second

I dont like the way Tachyon came out. going to try most of these again on some other games and see how they come out!

I was actually thinking she looked pretty cool. Not EXACTLY right, no, but I’d totally hero it up in that outfit.

I’ve got Hero Machine, and I think I might play with that a bit, once I tear myself away from my silly korean drama show.

Hero machine what’s that?

Software to generate a decent range of custom heroes for gaming portraits or whatever. Only a couple of body types and poses, but the appearance options are pretty good. I have a CD with the program, but there’s an online version here: that I believe they update pretty often with new stuff. Links at the top to the actual builders. I have had issues with it running well in a browser sometimes, so I generally just stick with the CD so I haven’t really explored the newer stuff on the site.

These look great! Very cool, Dimmok.
