Space elves and dwarves was a... surprise



I'm with you on this, Spiff. I didn't know it was on purpose at first and thought it was strange. I've come to terms with it, but agree that it's a little rough having to dig through nonsense adjectives to get to the noun.

I'll tell you what, I wish I'd been a playtester this whole time (though I'm still not going to pay for it) so that I could air my objections in a less public manner.  Unfortunately, this is the only place for me to voice my opinion, in front of the whole world.  Not optimal.

Kudos!  I think the box art which was revealed today is a good, useful step forward in making sure that the game's world is accurately represented to potential customers.  Putting a spacedragon right there on the box makes it less likely that people will be surprised by techno-dwarves and neo-elves.  Good move.

Ha. Yeah, I was just thinking that when I saw the cover. 

Agreed. Despite the fact I think the original cover looked cooler the dragon does transpire the theme better.

I could use more dragon to be honest. It looks small and unintimidating. One our ships is a claw of that thing, so unless the sulph-orcs are also part gnome, it seems weird. Also there is a lot of empty space (pun) that could be used in the picture. Needs more dragon. 

And cowbell.

More bigger dragon on the front wearing a cowbell. I think the guys at >G have a fantastic opportunity to capture the growing cowbell gaming demographic and it would be a shame to squander such a potential advantage. 


That post really got detailed. Haha!  But I agree that it needs a more intimidating dragon in the composition. And there is never anything wrong with cowbell. Plus a quantonium dragon gong!

Ooh, now the spacedragon box has replaced the main GSF pic on the Kickstarter.  Another good move.  Still no mention of "space-fantasy" in the description or videos of actual gameplay, but we're moving the ball forward. :)

I think it’s a too little too late scenario. I’d be shocked if this thing hits 70k, let alone 75k. Goodwill for sentinels is enough to pique interest on the store shelves, but anecdotally speaking, I don’t personally know a single person who backed this KS, when lots of us own SotM and all expansions.

While funded, I can’t imagine the guys at >G are high fiving and popping champagne. You want these things to promote excitement, not a “wait and see” attitude

This Kickstarter blew Rook City's Kickstarter out of the water (an expansion to an game that was quickly gaining quite the good reputation), and GSF is a completely new game.  My guess is that they are quite happy with the results.

New game? Yes. But SotM isn't a cult classic has more eyes, and for the big follow up to sentinels to only have 2 twice as many backers as their first foray into crowd sourcing is kind of a flop

The kickstarter isn't over yet, so it's a little early to compare numbers. 

I'm reticent to say that a successfully funded Kickstarter is "kind of a flop."  I'll say that releasing more information about the game earlier would probably have improved their results, but I doubt that it will go down as a failed endeavor.

Yeah, if the game turns out to be really fun with lots of successful expansions, no one will care about how the Kickstarter went.

Exactly.  And from what I've experienced in playtesting, it will definitely be a worthy addition to anyone's collection.

You know, every time a playtester says something like that, it makes the game sound pretty good but not great...

I wouldn't know.  I'm not a board game enthusiast.  I mainly play Sentinels, a little bit of Battle Con, and occasionally a handful of other tabletop RPGs (White Wolf publishing, BESM, etc.).  This isn't an area I have expertise in.  As a lover of co-op games, I enjoy this game.  I feel like there aren't enough on the market and would love to see more around.  This is something I genuinely like playing and I look forward to owning an official copy.  It's not going to mean as much as Sentinels does to me because GSF didn't cheer me up the day I was laid off at my first job I held for four years.  Sentinels did.  I'm also not going to say it's the best game ever because we're still playtesting it extensively to make it the best game we possibly can.

But I'm not going to lie and say that I enjoy it as much as Sentinels.  I think that I would have to turn the gaming world upside down to find something better than the world of Sentinels of the Multiverse.  Plus, I'm not a huge Star Wars/Star Trek fan, I don't think Firefly is the best show ever, and I have only recently discovered a love of pulp sci-fi and am very much a neonate as far as that goes.  I do, however, buy comic books every week and actively follow the metaplot in DC/Marvel and many other third-party comic publishers.  Sentinels is more my demographic than GSF is.  However, it is a game I actively want to own when I could easily just update the proxy cards I've been printing off and sleeving for the past few months and have that for very little cost.  I'm kicking for both the core and the miniatures because it is an awesome game.

If you're getting this game because of Sentinels, you may be disappointed.  It's completely different, and doesn't feature superheroes or supervillains.  If you like science-fantasy, cool spaceships, or the co-op nature and strong narrative of Sentinels of the Multiverse, then this may be for you.  I'm sorry if my recommendation makes GSF sound like it isn't very good, as that is the last feeling I want to incite in anyone.

That was a very helpful commentary.  I see we have a lot of common interests and experiences, ergo, I will probably enjoy a game that you enjoy. Perhaps others will see this and feel the same way. The only difference is that in addition to my superhero love, I can also get down with sci-fi and fantasy so I might even like it more than you!  

It seems to me that some of the resistance to this game has been that it doesn't seem to live up to SotM, but honestly what could?  SotM is the best game I have ever played, by far, so I shouldn't expect GSF to necessarily compete with that standard. Only one thing can be the best, but that doesn'tmean that other things cannot also be good of their own merit.  I will be the first to say, and have, that the kickstarter was mismanaged, but that's just salesmanship and has nothing to do with actual game design. The >G guys are great game designers, which should be really the only importnat thing in the end.

Yes and no.  Again, I'm not trying to be debbie downer, I'm planning on buying the game as soon as it comes out.  I'm sure the game will be successful and make money.  They question is did it make AS MUCH money as it could have?


In any business (but particularly the entertainment business), one of the worst feelings ever is the idea that you had a product that performed well in the marketplace, but with better marketing you know could have sold better. 


Will the fans care how the KS performed in a month or so?  Absolutley not.  But we aren't the ones financially invested in the company.  Keep in mind that higher KS revenue is more capital upfront for >G, who can then use that extra money to market GFS and Vegence, get better signage for cons, and begin developing more products. 

GFS making up the 30k in sales after the game ships in the Fall is good, but it does them less good than getting 30k upfront now that they can try to use to make the game sell even MORE in the fall.