I was looking at the incapacitated side of Freedom Wraith online when I noticed something odd about Spite. I went to the bio and double checked to confirm. This might mean nothing, but in the Freedom 6 future Spite's hair seems to have changed from Black to Brown. Possibly it is a different Spite, hence why Iron Legacy has him working for him, or maybe just too many drug whack outs, but very few details like this are completely meaningless so I thought I'd mention it
Neat catch!
I assume it's just a lighting thing, personally, but new characters using old codenames is certainly something to watch in the future, and a controllable Spite is suspicious... actually, now that I type all that, maybe it's not just lighting.
Perhaps IL has all the drug-crazed supervillians on his side, which explains why Ambuscade is on TLT's incapacitated side. Who knows...
Ambuscade knee capping Tachyon is even sadder when you see that she is trying to save him in the Marsquake card from Time Cataclysm.
his flavor text on that card is one of my favorites.
non merci of course means no thank you, but it has the great double sounding as no mercy… Which might be what he is intending.
TLT's incapasitated side reminds me of how Deathstroke took out the Flash with the very same technique, which I'm sure is the exact thing they were going for and NOT for an "Arrow to the knee" joke...God, please no more arrows to a body-part jokes...
I don't think it's too crazy of an idea that some villian's are still running around in IL's timeline. He seems a little too 'Justice' crazed to let any past-villians any form of freedom if he can just find/defeat/imprison them...Though, I can understand using a few of them to hunt down his past allies, since they know how to fight heroes.
If the Freedom Six can hide from IL when they need to, I'm sure the villians can as well...
I think you're right on it just being the lighting. On his main villain card Spite's hair looks black, but in the rest of his deck(excluding "Mynd-Phyre") you see his hair is brown.