What you are about to read is my personal moment of pure amazing.
So I went to Emerald Knights in Burbank today becuase of Sentinels demos and to play it becuase EK didn't get thier copies of the reprints of the Enchanced edition yet. So, after geting two guys to try Sentinels for the first time, (we actually had four but he bailed as the game started. NO biggie), we begin.
The setup
Heroes: NightMist, Wraith, and Team Leader Tachyon (Me)
Villain: Spite
Enviorment: Rook City (done to be thematic due to Wraith/Spite)
So, we get things rolling. Nightmist took the blunt of the assult due to being ran by a new guy, and Wraith was also taking some hits but hitting hard with ultiy belt and two stun bolts. Me? I (think I ) was everyone's best friend. Team Leader Tacyon was giving cards to my buddies and I was generally being helpful by blowing up/hitting what I could while chucking Bursts into the bin with my HUD goggles being HUDdy, along side giving Wraith's player some help due to me knowing a bit and being next to him. Nightmist's player was on the other side so I couldn't help as much.
So when Spite got that drug that causes any hero who uses a power to take 2 and mill 5, my day just got better.
But the real fun was during the end.
SPite was in his 50's. I had 13 bursts in the bin, and NIghtmist just finished. Then came a pretty funny moment now that I realize it. I was frantically trying to convence Wraith to attack Spite with Razor Ordinace/Stun Bolts for 10 damage to take spite down to his 35's. The demo guy was convenved that stealth was the way to go, even with Spites damage mill drug. Demo Guy was convenced that I could not deal enough damage even if i threw 4 more bursts in the bin. Nd I was trying ot goad him into a 2 dollar bet that I could deal 40 damage. He didn't bite.
Anyways, Wratihs payer was like "Well Tachyon hasn't been wrong yet, so lets do it." (and I showed a bit of my hand to prove i wasnt bluffing. See,in the earlier demo games we played with hands revealed so everyone could see them and help out but that kinda stoppped later on in the game due to our hands getting rather large. Blame Nightmist)
So after sending Synaptic interuption to the bin to reflect the damage refleted at me via smoke bombs to spite, I go (remember, HUD Goggles)
First play: Pushing the limits (+1 play)
Limits play: that one card that lets me play two more cards right not. (+2 plays)
first play from that card: Lightspeed assult for 14.
second play from that card: Lightspeed assult for 14.
HUD Googles play: Lightspeed Assult for 14!!!
Spite was turned into jelly.
Without flipping.
Me and my team rocked it. I think those new guys like th game and wre interested in it after the game. And who could blame them? Every hero played thier roll rather well. I especially liked Tachy. I felt at home piloting her.