I was just wondering, are we going to get divider cards for the IR heroes/villains/environments? Like in the EE, it came with dividers for Expatriette, Fixer, Rook City, etc... If this isn't in the works already, can you please make it happen? Those things are darned convienient!!
They've said that every set after Infernal Relics will include dividers, so you should be set. (Since Enhanced Edition includes Rook City and Infernal Relics dividers, they should all be covered.)
But will they actually fit in the EE box? Or will you have to make room for the new stuff? On my villain/environment half of the box, I'm completely out of room, since the tokens and foam are also taking up space. I can see making room for two new heroes on the other half, but four (five!) new villains and two (maybe three!) new evironments couldn't possibly fit in there.
I put my tokens, dice for HP tracking, oversized villain cards, and rulebooks in my IR box and keep only the cards in the EE box. It means one more small box to carry around when I bring the game somewhere, but it also means that I have room to put the tokens in a plano box. With this setup, it feels like I should have just enough room for two heroes, two environments, and four villains as per spec. Not sure if there's going to be enough room for three heroes, three environments, and five villains though...
But there are much worse problems to have than having too much SotM. ;P
I think everything will fit, but the foam would come out meaning the tokens would probably be stored separately.
On the villains/enviroment side I have the foam laying across which means room for a FEW decks, on the heroes side it is stuffed in there normally so that should accomodate 2 heroes and a promo hero.
I dont do sleves though, although I'm tempted to clear sleve the character cards just to diferentiate them from the rest of the deck.
I am pretty sure that >G has run out of the empty EE boxes.
Myself, I recommend a card box. This is what I use. A little work with scissors and glue changed it from three equal rows (for vertical cards) to two rows for horizontal cards and one narrower center row. The outer rows hold all of the cards (sleeved in Dragonshield Premium sleeves) with their dividers. The center row holds the tokens, character cards (in toploaders), and the oversized villain cards (in 4x6 toploaders). There should be enough room in here to hold the expansion as well. If not, get one size up (although the 4x6 toploaders may not fit in it quite as well).