I just recieved all of my stuff from my post Kickstarter Online order. Looks Great!
Just a question, I did try and order Unity and Ambuscade decks, but instead of those I found Miss Information and Silver Gulch. No complaints really, but I guess my question is are the Unity and Ambuscade decks no longer avaliable? If not they should be taken off the site to avoid confusion.
Love the game. Just wondering if I missed my chance at Unity
It was probably just an error. I too got my post kickstarter ST order today and it included unity and amuscade as I had ordered. Just send them an email and it shall be fixed!
I was post Kickstarter and I ordered all of the seperate decks as well as Shattered Timelines, and got everything. I'd definitely assume packing error.
Update: Paul got back to me within 5 minutes of sending an email. Straight up Tachyon speed. Just a simple packing error. Re-ordered the other decks and I am a super happy camper right now