I tried a search on this and couldn't find anything. Pretty simple question.
I have the Enhanced Edition, all 3 expansions, and all 6 extra decks. I only recently got ST and the 4 new decks. So I'm looking at my very full EE box and wondering where to put all these guys. If I clear out all foam and counters, is there enough room in the EE box for everything? I was just hoping to get an answer before I started moving things around and then realizing I was going to fail. The cards are not sleeved. Thanks in advance.
I think one of the creators posted a picture somewhere that all the cards fit snugly into the EE box, with the cards unsleeved. I think it has also been suggested that a separate pouch or box or bag be kept for the tokens :)
Just to echo what everyone else has said. I use the EE box and all the cards fit in tightly. So tightly that it is difficult to take out. There is absolutely no room for an extra deck or the tokens. My solution probably won't help. I got an extra set of tokens on the EE KS which came with another box in which I keep my tokens, rulebooks, etc.
However, the game/company has some amzaing fans that have come up with some amazing ideas, espceially about storage solutions. One good place to start is here: www.spiffworld.com/sotm.
Everything that currently exists fits if it's unsleeved, not counting tokens which you can keep in a bag. They are hard to remove but the simplest solution for that is to put a ribbon loop around a deck on each side so that that deck can be removed easily. Think about the ribbon they put behind batteries in hard to remove devices.
Orphanleni, that is just pure genius. I sleeve my cards, so although I don't have ST or any of the promo decks yet, it's already a tight fit in my EE box. A ribbon would be a simple, elegant solution to a tricky problem, with the added benefit of keeping the cards together. Thank you!
The people in our group with every deck use a generic 3- or 4-row cardboard trading card box (we all use penny sleeves) with homemade dividers, with the rationale that once everything is out, we'll put a chunk of money into a real storage/travel solution.
Our favorite pickup was a little plastic rectangular container from our local crafts store, call it an inch and a half square on the sides and just under the width of the EE dividers (fits perfectly with a little wiggle room in the EE box, otherwise just a great size container for gaming stuff in general). It's great for dice or tokens. (Total aside: we use dice to track everything in the game. I haven't even punched the EE tokens out of their sheets in my copy.)
Over the next week or I'll be posting instructions on how to build a storage box like mine http://imgur.com/a/3QLEY with very minimum tools/skills/money. I'm making some boxes up for friends so I'll have a lot more pictures and a better idea of the best way to construct.
That box also fits the cards vertically. Since I use separate decks for all the promo heroes I'll need more room to fit Vengeance since all the room has already been taken by the cards I already have (in premium sleeves)
I've personally been toying with around with just buying another EE set for when I sleeve mine. This give me space for everything sleeved, and lets me replace some of my more worn out decks.
I too store all of the cards unsleeved in the EE box. Heroes on the left, villains and environments on the right. The hero side is completely snug, so when I want to remove a hero deck, I just gently pull up on the two divider cards on either side of it, and the deck just lifts up with the dividers. Once the first deck is removed, there's enough leeway to reach my fingers in and directly grab any other deck.
I keep my oversized villain cards and the tokens in the Shattered Timelines box. Not the most elegant solution, but it works.
Maybe wait for Vengeance, since that is expected to be a larger box?
BTW, I have found the foam blocks to be extremely useful to keep, even after the EE box is full with EE, RC, IR, and ST. If you still have those foam blocks handy, then as you pull decks out, you can put the blocks in to keep the remaining cards from slipping down and becoming a mess.
Of course, then you need to have some way to port your foam blocks along with the game. Since there are tokens, as well, I find that using a small cardboard box that I have works well, but I imagine that using one of the expansion boxes would be great, too.
Here's what I use. It holds all the cards, including all future expansions. Right now it also has my BattleCon cards in there, as well. There's also room for all the giant cards, dice, etc. I use, and all of the cards are sleeved. Unsleeved you'll need about half this much space.
I keep my cards unsleeved in the EE box, as for the tokens and oversized villain cards I use Iris clear photo cases that I picked up at Meijer. They fit the oversized cards perfectly.