When a card says it can hit up to X targets is it legal to hit the same target X times? (ie. Mister Fixer's Dual Crowbar, Wraith - Throwing Knives, Expat - Assualt Rifle))
Cause I noticed cards like Bunker's grenade launcher will specifically say it must be a second target.
Granted Grenade launcher could of said deal 2 targets 2 projectile damage and deal a third target 1 projectile, but i think it looks neater since the card is a bit different then others.
There are times where you can choose to hit the same target twice or two different targets. The only ones that come to mind as of right now are Argent's Frost and Flame and Omnitron-X's Rocket Punch. The wording on those are "Deal 1 target X damage. Deal 1 target X damage." The reason for it working like this is because it doesn't specify that it isn't a second target or another target or anything of the sort. Using Throwing knives you can hit up to 3 targets, if you chose the same target twice you are still only dealing 1 target damage, so it would be an invalid move.
If, for example, a card says that you can deal UP to 3 targets 2 damage each, you still would have to choose different targets, you cannot choose to hit a target more then once even if you only select 2 targets.
If, for example, a card says Deal 1 Target 1 fire damage and 1 target 1 cold damage, you could choose the same target for each because it is two separate effects and thus there is no targetting restriction.