Close, but not quite. 1976 was the original Omnitron-I event. Cosmnitron-II debuted in 1984.
So, this creates a bit of a problem. In Omni-Bunker’s above biography, I wrote that the Cosmic Omnitron battle was his universe’s point of divergence, but I gave that universe the year of the original Omnitron event. Thinking back, I can’t actually remember why I originally decided to have Omni-Bunker’s timeline split during the Cosmnitron event. And I want my universe numbers and their divergence points to match, so I’ve decided to retcon Omni-Bunker’s biography so that his timeline diverged during the Omnitron-I battle. I chose this option (instead of retconning his universe’s designation) mainly because the original Omnitron event is more iconic and important to Sentinel Comics than the Cosmnitron fight.
Now, concerning Spite: Spite’s DE Critical Event — which is shown in this update — shows that the Abomination of Desolation miniseries was published in 1994. The Multiverse Recap episode says that Eduardo and Sarah were murdered during the run of Abomination, so I’m then going to assume that they were killed in 1994, rather than 1984, as was originally said in that episode. So, this prompts another retcon: I’m changing the Death-Wraith’s reality’s name to Universe 94.
And now, the speediest member of the Iron Five — TachAeon!
Alias: Doctor Meredith Stinson of Universe 70
Approach: Mastermind
Archetype: Legion
Health: 15 + ( × 5)
Deep Space Knowledge
Status: Number of Minions
9+ minions
5-8 minions
3-4 minions
1-2 minions
0 minions
- Dangerous Construction (A): Roll your single status die. Deal yourself that much irreducible damage. Create that many
TachAeon Construct minions.
- Mindless Constructs (I): Whenever multiple TachAeon Construct minions all take the same action against the same target, you must roll all of their dice at the same time and use the lowest rolling die amongst them for each minion’s result on that action.
Returned Sanity (A): Remove any number of TachAeon Construct minions. Roll their dice and Recover that much Health.
- Unlimited Power (R): Take 1 irreducible damage to reroll your dice pool on your turn or the dice pool of a hero Attacking or Hindering you.
Whispers of OblivAeon (A): Boost yourself using Deep Space Knowledge and use your Max die. Either make that bonus persistent and exclusive, or Boost yourself again using your Min+Mid dice.
- (U) Energize (A): Choose one group of your minions in the scene. Upgrade all their dice one size (maximum
). (When using this upgrade, TachAeon has 5 additional Health.)
(M) Master of Mad Science (I): As long as you have access to materials, you can automatically succeed when Overcoming a challenge by using scientific principles and inventions.
“If only there were more of me . . . I could save us! I could protect us all! I just need more . . .”
— Meredith Stinson
Alias: Doctor Meredith Stinson of Universe 70
Gender: Female
Age: 30s
Height: 6’0”
Eyes: Golden, glowing
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Skin: White
Build: Lithe
Costume/Equipment: Red form-fitting outfit with golden star design on torso, gold-tinted HUD goggles, and high-tech running shoes. Left hand permanently encased in a coating of Oblivion Shard crystal.
Approach: Mastermind
Archetype: Legion
In Universe 1, an Oblivion Shard crashed near Huntingdon, England. But in Universe 70, that same shard crashed near the city of Megalopolis. It was recovered by the heroic Freedom Five, who placed it in secure containment. Tachyon, scientific genius, studied the crystal’s strange emanations, and found that interacting with it would result in unpredictable, and likely destructive, consequences. So the team simply left it in secure storage. Meredith Stinson, though, was tempted by the prospect of studying the strange object, and performed minor experiments on it in secret. Years later, Earth was invaded by Grand Warlord Voss’s gene-bound armada. With Legacy incapacitated and the heroes of Earth seemingly overrun, a desperate Dr. Stinson quickly constructed a device to channel the shard’s power, and used it against the alien horde. It created energy construct-duplicates of her, which successfully drove the invaders away. But while doing so, the device fused itself permanently with Meredith. The shard-device also created an energy-storm which ravaged the area, and was slowly growing. After the battle, Dr. Stinson continued to experiment with the shard and the storm. The other members of the FF, however, urged her to stop her experiments before they caused more destruction. But she refused, and so was forced to take them out of the equation, for science.
Capabilities and Motivations
TachAeon is just as fast and just as much of a scientific genius as Universe 1 Dr. Stinson. Additionally, this Tachyon wields the phenomenal cosmic power of an Oblivion Shard, which forms a flexible crystalline casing over her left hand. When the shard fused with Dr. Stinson, her mind was flooded with interstellar knowledge. She can use the shard’s power to, among other uses, create glowing, golden duplicates of herself out of pure Singular energy. However, doing so comes with both physical and mental costs. With great power comes great insanity.
TachAeon can, when she needs to, pour extra energy into a group of constructs she has created, making them more durable and powerful.
Editor’s Notes:
TachAeon has the lowest health out of all the Iron Five, with only 15 base health. But she’ll likely make up for that with all the minions she generates.
Speaking of her health, I would imagine that it would bounce up and down like a yo-yo during a fight. Between Dangerous Construction and Returned Sanity, TachAeon can damage herself to create minions, then destroy those minions to heal herself. For each 1 damage she deals herself, she creates 1 minion. Then she can destroy those minions, roll their dice, and Recover that much health, which would be an average of 3.5 health per minion.
Of course, this is all assuming that the Heroes don’t at all Attack any of those minions between the time that TachAeon creates them and when she destroys them to Recover. She can use Energize to offset that, but minions are still very fragile, so it seems likely to me that Returned Sanity will only give Tachyon back an amount of health roughy equal to the amount that she expended to create a batch of constructs.
Unrelatedly, TachAeon only has one Ability that actually requires her to build and roll a die pool — Whispers of OblivAeon. All of her other Abilities either don’t require any rolls (Unlimited Power, Energize) or involve rolling something other than a standard die pool (Dangerous Construction, Returned Sanity).
Next Up: Ryan Frost — Zero!