What’s this?! You thought that I wouldn’t post any more Iron Five SCRPG material! Well, my friend, you were wrong!
Because now I proudly present this secret surprise post of paragon proportions! For here are the loathsome lackeys, gruesome generals, and malicious minions of the indomitable Iron Five!
Iron Five Minions: The Iron Army!
Iron Guardsman
After Iron Legacy conquered Universe 88, he recruited some of his subjects into an elite force of enforcers — the Iron Guard. The Iron Guardsmen are ruthless, and specialize in the hunting and killing of those who oppose their “leader’s” rule.Abilities
Hero-Killer: Iron Guardsmen have +1 to Attack actions. When an Iron Guardsman Attacks a hero in the Red zone, it rolls its die twice and uses the higher result.Tactics
Iron Guardsmen go after the weakest-seeming targets first, Attacking and Hindering them. They take no prisoners and fight to kill.
Omni-Bunker Drone
Tyler Vance of Universe 76 combined Omnitron drones with Bunker weaponry to create his mechanical underlings.Abilities
Force Nets: Omni-Bunker Drones have +2 to Hinder actions.Tactics
The drones’ programming dictates that they must hunt down and imprison any rebellious targets.
Organization Goon
These simple thugs worked for the Organization, which means they now work for the Death-WraithAbilities
Mob Power: Organization Goons have +1 to all actions while there are at least two other Organization Goons nearby.Tactics
They use their guns, knives, and fists to pummel whomever the boss orders them to.
Spite Clone
During his conquest of Universe 88, Iron Legacy found a Pike Industrial bunker full of clones of the infamous killer Spite. He quickly made use of them in his crusade against evil.Abilities
Mindless Muscle: Spite Clones have +1 to Attack actions and save rolls. However, they cannot take any actions other than Attacking or Hindering.Tactics
Not being the brightest, Spite Clones mindlessly attack anyone designated as an enemy.
TachAeon Construct
These golden glowing energy-duplicates of TachAeon are created by her Oblivion Shard, and follow her will.Abilities
Lightspeed Assault: When TachAeon Constructs Attack, they can Attack up to 3 targets in the scene.Tactics
The constructs do whatever TachAeon wills them to, which usually comprises of eliminating any interlopers who try to interfere with her experiments.
These shambling corpses were reanimated by dark magicks, and now serve the Death-Wraith.Abilities
Walking Dead: Zombies have +2 to save rolls.Tactics
Being mindless, undead servants, zombies typically shamble towards anything alive that their master hasn’t deemed off-limits.
Iron Five Lieutenants: The Iron Commanders!
Death Fist
Most of the Dark Watch of Universe 94 were killed by the Death-Wraith for daring to defy her, with only Setback and NightMist escaping. However, the Death-Wraith later decided to raise the slain martial arts master Mister Fixer to use as an elite, zombified enforcer.Abilities
Harsh Strike: When Death Fist Attacks a target, that target gains a persistent and exclusive -1 penalty.
Unliving: Death Fist has +2 to save rolls.Tactics
Death Fist brutally tears into his opponents while effortlessly shrugging off their blows.
The Iron Hand
Ansel G. Moreau — formerly the villainous hero-hunter Ambuscade — was recruited by Iron Legacy to command his Iron Guard, as the Iron Hand. Moreau quickly put his skills to good use.Abilities
L’Embuscade: When the Iron Hand Boosts, he also Defends with the value of that bonus. The Defend lasts as long as that bonus is in play.
Stalker of Prey: The Iron Hand has +2 to Attack actions while he is engaged with a single enemy.Tactics
The Iron Hand works best when he is up against only one opponent. He also prefers to attack with the element of surprise.
When Omni-Bunker seized control of the city of Megalopolis, the remaining heroes of the city stood up to him and were subsequently captured or forced into hiding, except for the vigilante Parse. Parse and Omni-Bunker agreed to a truce, for they were both ruthless crime-fighters, and she became his lieutenant. Later, during a raid on a Revo-Corp laboratory — one of the last free strongholds — Parse acquired the Revenant suit.Abilities
Impossible Shot: Damage dealt by Reverse is irreducible.
Reinforced Armor: Reverse has +2 to save rolls.Tactics
Reverse uses her suit’s weaponry and her own lightning-fast mental processes to strike at any target, no matter how well defended they are.
After the Freedom Five of Universe 70 were defeated when they tried to stop TachAeon’s mad experiments, the Southwest Sentinels travelled to Megalopolis to try to do what the FF couldn’t. But, during the ensuing battle, Writhe was swayed by the temptations of power which TachAeon offered him. He was imbued with a portion of her cosmic power and turned on his former allies, who were defeated by the two former heroes.Abilities
Shadow Cloak: Once per round when Wright is Attacked and dealt damage, he may ignore that damage and instead treat its value as a Hinder action against him.
Somber Tinker: Wright has +2 to Boost and Defend actions.Tactics
Although Wright will directly engage enemies on occasion, he prefers to stay to the shadows and aid his allies with his twisted inventions.
Editor’s Notes:
There are ten of the Iron Five’s underlings for you. Six minions, two each for Iron Legacy and the Death-Wraith, and one each for Omni-Bunker and TachAeon. And four lieutenants, one for each of the aforementioned villains.
Yes, Zero doesn’t have any minions. He doesn’t really get along very well with others. (I was originally going to give him some ice golems, but they just felt weird and forced. Plus, that’s not something that his powers can canonically do.)
The Iron Hand was originally the only lieutenant that I was going to post. But then I thought, why not give the others some lieutenants too? So I did. I quite like what I came up with.
It was a bit tough coming up with names for Reverse — which is a portmanteau of Revenant and Parse, in case that wasn’t obvious — and Wright — which is just an archaic word for builder (‘cause Writhe is an inventor) that is spelt/pronounced somewhat similarly to Writhe.
Also, poor Mister Fixer. Is there any reality in which Slim dies and gets to stay at peace, instead of being resurrected by some evil necromancer to be an undead servant?
Okay, now that I’ve posted these minions and lieutenants, surely there is no other material that I will post in this thread . . .