The Letters Page! Episode 5 Discussion (Citizen Dawn)

I figured why not since I already did the daughter why not do the mother as well!
This one will be interesting , bring on the SUN

So what we learnd is that Citizen Dawn didn't have a sister to sing to her and help her become a Hero.

I never noticed Expatriette's original costume is an inverse of the Citizens of the Sun logo! That is so cool!

I'm apparently like a Volvo from the 80s.   Which I was born in the 80s so you know maybe that means I'm built to last.  

Aha, so I was right about that!

My speculation is that one of the early but not immediate sourcebooks for the RPG will be for playing as a citizen of the sun! This excites me

I'm still laughing about that.

I liked it as well.  I wasn't expecting it since they read a question last week and they didn't make much comment about the name.  

My big takeaway is the sun's primary export being fire.

No, I kid. It's actually Citizens Peanut, Butter and Jelly. I'm serious. I've come up with a backstory for them and everything!

Citizen Dawn sure sounds a lot like a sociopath.

Pretty sure Dawn is a textbook sociopath, but then again the best leaders often are.

Yeah, up to now, I had entertained the notion that Dawn was like that other 'build a nation for people with powers and screw the normies' villain from that other, lesser-known comics company. Some guy named Erik, I think? Anyway, I had thought Dawn was, in that vein, caring toward her people and well-intentioned, if misguided.

Turns out she's freakin' evil.

Looking forward to the fan-made alt version of Citizen Dawn's character card(s) that covers the assault on Megolopolis, maybe with one side has her on the offensive when she has few Citizens available and on the other she's just helping her Citizens, healing them and getting them back into play…  :grin:

I thought about the same thing…! In fact, there is a lot of very interesting material about "canon" conflicts which could be turned into villain variants…! :slight_smile:

I am quite sad that Citizen Dawn never got a promo character card. She has been my favorite villain to fight for pretty much the entire time I’ve owned Sentinels of the Multiverse.

Hmm, now that we do know some more of her story…

I have a lot of ideas about this, not just a promo, but an entirely new deck. >.>

cough Speaking of which, there’s a thread on some other forum for just this sort of thing, if anyone’s interested…