The Price of Freedom...from what?

This has probably been brought up before, but Wraiths Freedom 6 promo is extreamly interesting.

Her card is the called "Price of Freedom". But freedom from what? From Who?

Iron Legacy perhaps? Seems reasonable enough. But would that imply that she is free from ILs reach? Doubt it. No one would be safe with him endlessly patroling the globe.

What else would Waith need to be free from? Her socialite duties? She is still part of the Freedom 6, so she has not gone rouge from the other heros. 

Maybe this is not the Waith we know.

The longer hair. The bulkier muscles. The stitching on her pants. The weapons...

This is the Operative. She leaves the Organization, and I bet you can imagine how the Chairman feels about that. Now that she is free, she is being hunted down by the rest of the Organization. We can see the shadows of the thugs/underbosses surrounding her from above. The price of her Freedom? She is on the run. Why she takes up the mantle of Wraith is anyones guess, possibly to atone for for her sins? For being the one to kill Mr. Fixer? (There is a card where she has him basically impaled with her blade)

Her tattoo is covered by the larger gloves we see and possibly the angle. Showing the tat would be too much of a dead giveaway. Did the original Wraith sneak in and steal the Operatives weapons and pants one night? Maybe. Or maybe Freight Train isnt the only villain we see take up a Heros mantle to try and take down IL 



The weapons I think were the first giveaway. And yeah, IL probably doesn't put up with actually bad guys much more than he does heroes, particularly the Organization, so she's probably being hunted by more than one group.


OR Iron Legacy went really nuts and decided to get the Organization on his side, so when the Operative went "Rogue" she's suddenly an IL target. So she joins the Freedom Six because the enemy of my enemy will probably keep me from being crushed by a rogue superhero.

For me, it was the pants were what really cemented the "Its the Operative" theory for me.

That stitching on the pants is extreamly specific to the Operative. Look at every card with her on it. Why would the artist include that stiching in the first place? You dont see anything similar on anyone elses clothes. And we are talking about super heros and villains here. What they wear has always been an important aspect to a comics characters.

Her incapacitated side, the shoutout to Breaking the Bat comic ark, is probably the ultimate demise of the Operative. Spite "thinks" he has bested the Wraith and taken her out of comision for good. But he is gonna be in for a real shock when the REAL Wraith returns! That would be awesome. Also, It would be hilarious if the girl in the wheelchair on Chrono Rangers whole gang bounty turn out to be the Operative with a broken back and a bone to pick .

Hm, I was under the impression that Legacy and Tachyon are (in the good/ not soul-crushing) time line know Maia's secret identity. If someone else is going around as the Wraith, Maia is probably dead. But, yeah, that would be hella satisfying to have the real Wraith come out to finish off Spite


This states someone asked if the Wraith: Price of Freedom is the original Wraith and Christopher responded that is is still Maia. Of course the person who posted this could be making it up, but why would someone go about doing that?


Now of course what the Price of Freedom is still unclear, maybe we will eventually get the answer to the question. I sure hope so.

Oh my God, my mind has just been blown to infinitesimally small pieces. Wow. Just. Wow.



EDIT: Okay, apparently, I didn't see the new post before posting this. Also, NOOOOOOOOO. That would have been a beautiful theory. Oh well. I'm sure her backstory is just as awesome, if not more so.

Hate to burst this, but Christopher already said that Freedom Six Wraith is still Maia Montegomery. I had brought up the idea of her being the Operative based on the weapons, so someone went and asked Christopher after the ensuing discussion, and he confirmed it's not her. But it was a good theory!



...Okay, fine. If I start believing that Chirstopher is lying to us, I will question everything I know, so I guess I'd rather go with his response and give up this elegant theory.

Sooo Wraith is a pants thief. Interesting. Did her company go into bankrupt? She can't afford her own weapons or pants? What a fall from grace.

It does bring up a previous question then.

What is Wraith gaining her freedom from? 

Yeah, there have been a few conversations on this:


But Christopher has clearly stated it’s still Maia:

The theory of Freedom Six Wraith being the Operative is entertaining, though! :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, I think Wraith defeated the Operative, took her weapons, and exposed herself to the Chairman's chemicals that made him and the Operative "perfect specimens"…

(Ninja'd! :blush: )

Unless I am missreading this, why is Wreaith gaining her freedom. To compare to The Dark Knight movie. The price of freedom was big brother surveillance. The price is what she has to do to give other people freedom.

Bah! Sorry for creating a thread thats already been resolved  :confused:

Maybe it is a reference to her freedom from her socialite life. I kind of imagine that Maia is more of the alter-ego of the Wraith, in a similar way to Bruce being the real alter-ego of Batman. Iron Legacy knows Maia. Knows her company. Knows her life. Wraith probably has no choice in this timeline but to completly abandon her alter-ego and the company and all of the money, just to spare those she loves from being used against her. The price of this new freedom? Well…no more money. Hence she stole Operatives pants. Spite burnt holes in her other costumes

Maybe the whole Operative's pants thing is simliar to Sensei Ping's mask. (I am so hoping people know what I am talking about.)

I'm with Rabit's theory, though I go just a little further.  I think she died (perhaps in the fight where she killed the Operative) and was resurrected by the Chairman's chemicals.  If all she did was kill the Operative, steal her bling, then take a bath in the chemicals, then no price was really paid.  I present the glowing eyes as supporting evidence of my theory.


…That the Operative is a former member of a luchadore gang?

I used to think the Price was waging guerrilla warfare against Iron Legacy. After all, some aspects of society will see them (F6) as terrorists now. They are sowing the seeds of chaos and uncertainty in a world on the brink of achieving absolute justice.

If Legacy does know the Wraith's identity though, then it gets juicier, because IL is crazy intense. I doubt Wraith was able to just "leave" her company and that be that. Perhaps the Price of Freedom was realizing that she'd have to fight against Iron Legacy even though it meant the destruction, imprisonment, and perhaps even death of all those she held dear. After all, her parents and company are now supporting a dangerous terrorist threat to the safety of the world, they can't be allowed to just roam free.

I thought no one really knew her identity... which is why she wore the outfit to the heroes' barbecue.

but if they did, maybe that's why she faked her death (in the back of her regular character card). Maybe the Price of Freedom was leaving it all behind and she picked up The Operative's costume and weapon to make sure no one suspected she was still alive. 

The Operative may have turned good and helped Maia at some point and she died as a result, the Maia switched it up so it would seem like Maia died and The Operative took up the mantle of The Wraith. 


Whatever the story is, I really really hope we get to see it soon. I have been eagerly waiting for this story in particular since the art was first released. 

I like this. I like this a lot. Tieing in the original incap art was fantastic. Really reminds me of the original Dark Knight comic, where Bruce faked his death too in order to end his conflict with the governments newest hound dog, Superman. There are similar threads here, and its obvious where all of Wraiths story and art draws its inspiration from.

I always figured, because she is fighting for freedom, this is the price she has to pay. (Basically she (as well as the rest of the Freedom 6) are a “criminal” rebel group revolting against the lord known as Iron Legacy.)

I guess I never even considered how the rest of the world (heros and villains aside) feel toward Iron Legacy. The idea that the general population still holds Legacy as their great savior and ultimate hero, even with his new "my way or the highway" attitude, is very cool.