Does anyone use the Individual Villain Numbers, or the Individual Hero Numbers?
Im thinking about removing those pages, and instead modifying the 'User Lookup' page to be able to look up an individual heroe's or villains numbers, on the spot, rather than have to update the pages themselves. I am thinking that what most people are interested in is the overall numbers anyways.
Those take up the /bulk/ of the update work (and my automated method has fallen through,but i know what i need to do to fix it just have no time...)
I've been using the stats and inputting games since I first started playing, love the data overall, but I basically never look at the individual numbers sheets. I don't know if others do, but that's me.
I love the work that's been done on capturing a bunch of games. I took a shot at putting them into a form that allows more detailed investigation than the initial reports being created. They are up to date as of July 22. I've not been able to establish a reading connection to the output google document (yet). I think it may be possible, but I've not been able to yet.
Anyway, you can see my efforts at which I think provide some interesting insights (enough so I'd love to see this linked to on the front page).
Some initial insights:
The Dreamer is the worst villain for moving up in # of heroes. She's pretty easy with 3, tough against 4, and brutal against 5. No other villains comes close. The Ennead is the only other one that is harder with more players.
Citizen Dawn is pretty even against any # of players.
Wagner Mars Base, in particular, seems different depending on the villain. Seems easy for the heroes to beat the Ennead there but much harder for Mad Bomber Baron Blade.
The previous observation, particularly, but many others, are very limited by sample size. MORE GAMES, PLEASE!
There may be some "good" and "bad", statistically, match-ups for heroes and villains, but, again, sample size. Some interesting data, at least.
Picking heroes vs. choosing randomly didn't have as big an impact as I expected. On the order of 2-10%.
I'm sure lots more people can discover more, if they are interested.