The story so far

Who here thinks they understand the storyline of the game so far and could write up a "the story so far" summary of it?  Because if I understand correctly, as of Shattered Timelines, Legacy is dead somehow and Baby Legacy has taken his place in the main timeline (the one we play the game in usually), right?  Also, Ra: Horus of Two Horizons and Redeemer Fanatic are the current Ra and Fanatic, not the ones that came with the Core set, yes?  But Wraith is still Wraith and is only Rook City Wraith when she goes into Investigator Mode.

It would be great to have a summary in a narrative style that could be shown to new players to explain who all these people are and what's happened to them.  Nothing too long or detailed, just something that says, "this was how things were at the beginning of the game, then Rook City came along and introduced these new threads while changing these old ones", then the happenings of Infernal Relics, then Shattered Timelines.  I'd write it myself, but I don't think I have a tight enough grip on the lore to do it justice.

Anyone interested?

Um, I'm not sure our Legacy IS dead. Shattered Timelines isn't just an alternate timeline, it's also an alternate future and there's a lot of time for the fateful battle to occur. And Vengeance hasn't happened yet, which seems to me to be directed at America's Finest Legacy, not Young Legacy.


Not saying this is true, but seems to me that Legacy is as of now still around.


That being said, this is a great idea that I am not volunteering to carry out.

I will definitely be among the first to read such a document, btu I am definitely not up to the task. On the Legacy topic, I think both are active now? But of course, as celette said, it is still Finest Legacy who is the main "active" Legacy, though I wouldn't be surprised to find out the Felicia occasionally sneaks out of HQ to stop a random robbery or something.

I do remember seeing or hearing Christopher saying somewhere that at this point in the timeline Legacy is dead, but I couldn't for the life of me point you towards it... Also, I was under the impression that Horus of Two Horizons and Redeemer Fanatic were temporary things, like Horus emerged from the desert, kicked Ennead arse and then went back to being Ra. I'm probably wrong on that count though.

As far as I'm aware, in "our" timeline Legacy dies at some point, while in the alternate timeline it's Young Legacy. Therefore one timeline has Pauline taking over from her dad, while the other has said parent going just a little bit nuts about losing his daughter and the inheritor of his powers and sets about basically taking over the world.

It seems likely to me that Vengeance is the point at which Legacy/Young Legacy "dies", or at least soon afterwards.  Assuming the expansions are happening in linear order, at least.

I'm tempted to attempt writing this, but we still don't have a clear outline of what happens to whom when. There are too many holes for it to be much more than a mash-up of the biographies, which are laid out on the main website.

I think Legacy will die at one point in the main timeline and young Legacy will replace him, but that hasnt happened yet. 

Well, since we can't seem to agree on what we think has happened, it looks like a summary like this may be even more helpful.  Maybe Christopher would even agree to help in its production, since it looks like portions of his lovingly crafted story may not be coming through to the audience as clearly as you'd hope.

I have this strange feeling that what we know of the story is exactly what GtG wants us to know (and no more). It gets more confusing when you consider a question that we definitely don't know the answer to: what caused the alternate timeline? Theoretically, this could have happened before, during, or after the point where things split.


We could even have had the game affected by it in a point before it happened that we arent aware of. I think plague rat might be from the final wasteland and fell through a portal back to rook city and began his infection. It would explain how he would get chrono ranger's poncho in the past and why he would consider him his nemesis; he was the one that got away. 

I read some where here on the forums that the incapacitated sides of each of the heroes wasn't an if but a when? I wonder how they would tie in with the story...

Incapacitated sides are canon? Wow, I was just starting to wonder about that. When I first got the main game, I thought the back sides where just interesting to look at. Then I got Team Leader Tachyon at PAX and wondered out loud about the picture on the back. I didn't know all the villains so I didn't recognize the picture. But Chris was right there and hinted that it mattered who was in the picture and why. I started looking at all the cards and now I want to know more. This might be useful to this "Story so Far" project but I think deserves its own thread and I will go start a new one.

Back to this idea: How about before writing a "story" version, the community tries to piece together an outline of events. Even just laying out some info about when the freedom team was founded, as it changed, major battles, etc would be really helpful.

As far as "what caused the alternate timeline..." We know that the visionary went back in time to change her past. I wouldn't be surprised if this had a link to legacy/young legacy.


and about the incapacitated sides and story, one only needs to look at tempest to see the effects... Now (freedom 6) he is missing the arm that he lost on his original flipside.

Hey all, I found the found the following in an interview with Christopher Badell that could be a good starting point.

The primary hero team that drives the Sentinels of the Multiverse story is the Freedom Five, made up of Legacy, Bunker, Tachyon, The Wraith, and Absolute Zero.  They fight crime!  Baron Blade and Legacy have been nemesis forever, really, as Baron Blade's father and Legacy's father (who was also Legacy!) were nemesis back around World War II.  So Baron Blade is the primary Freedom Five villain.  However, Citizen Dawn's “Citizens of the Sun” cause a lot of problems for the heroes as well.  So much that they have to occasionally recruit help from outside the Freedom Five, which is where you start seeing appearances of other heroes like Ra, Fanatic, and Haka.  Tempest first shows up as a precursor to Grand Warlord Voss's troops assaulting the planet, and it's only with Tempest's help that the Freedom Five are able to save the world from Voss's alien hordes.  Baron Blade constantly shows up, regardless of how many times he is “defeated”, and his big story arc, called “Moonfall”, is where he attempts to pull the Moon into the Earth using his TerraLunar Impulsion Beam.  Right after that story arc is Citizen Dawn's big push to take over the world, and that arc is named “Sunrise”.  See what I did there?  At some point in all this, Omnitron gains sentience and decides to stomp all the humans, and The Visionary shows up from her future to attempt to stop the current timeline from becoming the world she lived through in her book “New Memories”.

That's from just before Rook City came out so I know a lot has happened since and there's a lot of "at some point" in there but it's still helpful start. I don't know that comic book histories can be easily summarised into a coherent story line but the comics themselves have a number of limited series that each seem to correspond to major events such as the abovementioned "Moofall" and "Sunrise". There even appears to a limited series called "Vengeance" (mentioned on Innervation Ray in the Omnitron-X deck). We know that in the main timeline Baron Blade manages to kill Legacy. Since that was his nemesis, who is he now getting Vengeance upon? It seems likely that Shattered Timelines is the aftermath of Vengeance. 

Since it isn't clear exactly when Legacy dies, I still think that Vengenace is the storyline where Blade kills Legacy

That's good stuff.  Nice find.

sorry for picking on this thread but it's the most relevant one I could find. Anyone has a link to the thread that was trying to put together the issues of the comics in a coherent way taken from the cards quotes? And had a google doc being edited?


edit: can't delete, found the file:

I am exactly the sort of person who would spend their nights and weekends on this project, but unfortunately I don't own Rook City or Infernal Relics, and can't get the former at least until it's reprinted.  Once I have both of those plus Vengeance, and have played every deck at least once so I'm out of surprises, I will sit down and sort the decks to reconstruct the storyline.  I'd have planned on doing so even if I hadn't seen this thread.