Thematic matches

Because I am a glutton for thematics, my gaming group and I try and pick heroes-villain-environment based on something thematic or at least with a story that makes sense to us.  Then I noticed in the statistical compilation elsewhere in these forums that there are several other matches listed where people pick their teams-villain-environment thematically as well.

Because of this I figured it might be fun to post some thematic matchups..

Some of the ones we've done include:

Freedom Four: Legacy, Bunker, Tachyon, Wraith vs anyone (but mostly vs Baron Blade), in Megalopolis

Prime Wardens: Argent Adept, Tempest, Haka vs Akash'Bhuta, in anywhere

Rook City residents: Wraith, Expatriette, Mr Fixer vs Plague Rat or Operative, in Rook City or Pike Industrial

Femme Fetale: any female heroes vs anyone, in anywhere

Boy's Club: any male heroes vs anyone, in anywhere

Heavy Metal: Bunker, Absolute Zero, Unity vs anyone, in anywhere

Gods and Magic: Fanatic, Ra, Nightmist, Argent Adept vs Apostate or Ennead or Gloomweaver, in Temple of Anubis


How about others (or variations of ones already listed) that your group did or that you would like to do ?


Hairless - Visionary, Absolute Zero, Tempest, and Omnitron X against GloomWeaver, Omnitron, or Voss. Locationcould be anywhere, and Akash'Bhuta may count as she doesn't technically have "hair".


Gunnin' - Expatriette, Bunker, and Chrono Ranger vs. Ambuscade in Megalopolis or Silver Gulch.

The prime Wardens also has Redeemer Fanatic in it.


One game I want to play is Legacy + Young Legacy + Greatest Legacy vs. Iron Legacy. That'll be fun.


Other than that, I've done Freedom Six vs. Iron Legacy (a VERY narrow win) and a few others I can't think of right now.

Who are Omnitron X, Iron Legacy and Chrono Ranger? I’m new to the game but I haven’t seen those guys in the game base or expansions available. Are they from Shattered Timelines? Are you playtesters?

Omnitron-X and Chrono-Ranger are the two new heroes from Shattered Timelines, and Iron Legacy is the primary antagonist. There are quite a few playtesters on these forums, but a lot of general information is available on the kickstarter campaign site.

I see. Thanks.

I'm not sure that this would be a winnable game.

We found that the Freedom Six vs. Iron Legacy was a very one-sided battle in favor of the heroes. Maybe it was just an early build of IL that was too easy, but the Freedom Six seemed built to destroy Iron Legacy. We didn't have a single death.

New Posse in Town - Mr. Fixer, Nightmist, Tempest - any villain - Silver Gulch (not really a spoiler, but they are prominently featured together in the art and flavor text of Silver Gulch)

The Final Guardians - Eternal Haka, Argent Adept, Chrono Ranger - Akash'Bhuta or Plague Rat - The Final Wasteland (again, without spoilers, if you haven't already guessed the nature of The Final Wasteland, let me just say that Akash'Bhuta on Wasteland will be hell)

Mystery Team - Rook City Wraith, Nightmist, Mr. Fixer, Expatriette, Visionary - The Organization - Rook City (I tried to base this team off a typical mystery team; Wraith is the detective, Nightmist is the brains, Fixer is the muscle, Expatriette is the interrogator, and Visionary is the communications expert)

I have done Akash'Bhuta in the final wasteland. Calling it "hell" is... well...


thoroughly accurate. It makes sense thematically, too, since there's no one to stop her from being her normal, destructive self.

Get off my lawn / Kids these days…: Young Legacy, Unity, Visionary and Mr. Fixer against the Matriarch in Rook City

Who’s side are you on?: Omnitron-X, Fright Train Bunker, Last Stand Wraith vs Iron Legacy

Eye for an Eye: Expatriette, Freedom Tempest, Elemental Absolute Zero against Mad Bomber Blade or Akash

Why is Last Stand Wraith a part of the second theme?  Wouldn't Expatriette be a bit more appropriate?

I think the idea is that they are all former villains, against a former hero.

The problem, of course, being that Last Stand Wraith is NOT, in fact, the operative, but Maia, according to Christopher. So the analogy doesn't QUITE work.


Although, you could replace her with Dark Visionary. That could work.

I was hoping someone would pick up on Last Stand Wraith doesn’t really belong in that set (unless you still cling to her being the operative).

Kismet’s nemesis might work also (depending on his origin story)