Hello everyone!
I always loved this game also because the card title, the art on the card and the flavour text all make perfectly sense with the mechanics stated on the card.
Of course, at first we didn't have art nor flavour text for the environment cards, and had to use our imagination a bit more to understand what was going on. I, for instance, didn't get what was "Targeting Innocents" and had 10 hp in Megalopolis until the art came out ("Ooooooh... so THAT's targeting innocents. Makes more sense now.") But now we have plenty of art, text and lore to fully appreciate the great storytelling behind each card, which makes me enjoy the game even more!
The fact is, there are a two cards in the new decks (and an old one) I do not fully understand. I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me grasp what's going on exactly and how that is reflected in the mechanics of the card.
1) La Capitàn Character cards, Flip side. What happens when she flips? In the first part of the fight, she steals a bunch of the hero's equipment and ongoings (she steals power too, I guess) ... and then? Is she running away from the heroes across time, to stop only when the team takes back their stuff from her? Or is some some sort of temporal anomaly/power of hers taking place? The art confuses me, the "Split Across Time" description doesn't tell me much and unfortunately there is no flavour text on character cards, so I really need some opinions here.
2) "Misplaced Memo" card from Miss Information's deck. The art and flavour text suggest that something similar to the "Isolated Hero" card is happening. Bunker is alone with a mummy from the Tomb of Anubis to deal with and Miss Information apparently didn't forward Bunker's request for support to the team. Ok, but what about the effect of the card? "The non-hero target with the lowest hp is immune to damage.", which will probably make an Environment or DIversion target immune to damage, and which makes sense with the art. (Bunker can't deal with it until the team arrives, I think) Then, at the start of the villain turn, every hero deals himself Psychic damage, which has been seen in other cards to represent mental stress, desperation and similar things. So... what's exactly going on here? The team is still united game-wise, as opposed to the "Isolated Hero" card, but one target is immune to damage, and everyone is stressed... dunno. Help please!
3) "Ambitious Racketeer" from Rook City environment deck. What always baffled me about this card is how strong this single man is. He has no apparent sign of superpowers or genetic mutation going on, so what does its hp, healing and damage represent? A vast criminal organization? This seems to contrast with the art and text. So maybe he indeed has genetic induced powers, as many in Rook City seem to have, but if that is the case, only deduction can tell it. Or maybe he's just hard to get to and deal with directly. I would like to know what you think about this one too.
Well, here are my questions. I look forward to reading your feedback on these cards. And please, if you have any similar doubts of your own, feel free to share them here!