From what I can tell each environment has contributed one card to the Time Cataclysm environment. I really like the idea, but I am having trouble placing a few. Let me know if I am wrong about where things are coming from.
Charging Triceratops is from Insula Primalis
Atlantean Throne Room is from Ruins of Atlantis
Surprise Shopping Trip is from Megalopolis
Marsquake is from Wagner Mars Base
Oppressive Smog is from Rook City
Giant Mutated Specimen if from Pike Industrial Complex
Crushing Hallway is from Tomb of Anubis
Fixed Point I think is from Realm of Discord, but I don't know why it's not listed as a distortion
Typhoon is from the real life typhoon that delayed the Infernal Relics shipment
Passing Tumbleweed is from Silver Gulch
F.I.L.T.E.R. Spy is from the Block
Tendrils of Madness I think is from Final Wasteland, but I don't know why it's not listed as a cryptid and I don't know what myth it's related to
Main Computer Room is from the Freedom Four Annual #1 comic book online
Rift in Time is directly related to the cause of the time cataclysm
I'd've thought Fixed Point was another Cataclysm one, since it's a fixed point in time. Tendrils of Madness struck me as being more of a Discord thing - it's a weird, wibbly thing, after all. And not all Discord cards have to be Distortions - remember there's the portal fiends, bubbles, and other stuff as well.
There are only so many cards in an environment deck. There are 12 existing decks and probably at least six more planned (2 each in Vengeance and in each of the 5th and 6th expansions). There was never going to be room for all of the environments. My guess is that The Typhoon displaced something and when something had to give they took it from The Final Wasteland because that was a stretch goal which might not have been reached.
Plus there's no reason why Typhoon shouldn't be from the Final Wasteland - it's a wasteland, after all ;).
I also didn't notice that the hp thingys on environment targets are unique to each environment. But then, I've never looked at target cards from two different environments side by side beforeā¦