Timing on "and" effects

Example: A card reads "Deal the hero target with the highest HP 2 Melee AND 2 Fire Damage"


How do I resolve this?


A) Select the hero target with the highest HP. Then do 2 melee damage to that target, then, regardless of current HP of other characters, do 2 fire damage to the original target.


B) Select the hero target with the highest HP, then do 2 melee damage to that target. Then, select the hero target with the highest HP again (possibly making it a different target since the original target now has reduced HP), then do 2 fire damage to the whoever this target may be.


I can make arguments for both cases, but I'd rather find out the official ruling.



both attacks go against a single target, so 'A' above.

If it were worded "Deal the hero target with the highest HP 2 Melee damage.  Deal the hero target with the highest HP 2 Fire damage." (or something to that effect), then your B option would take effect.

Thanks for the responses guys. Now i can be sure that Undivided Attention from the Chairman remains undivided.

Actually, no. There is no "and" in undivided attention. So:

1) first the operative delas 4 damage to the hero with the highest hp.

2) Then the chairman deals 3 damage to the hero with the highest hp. It can be the same hero as in 1 or not.


so, In this case Option B. 


The difference here is that it is two separate sentences, so they may as well be two separate cards that are played one after the other.