Top 5 Favorite Villains Thematically

Which 5 villains do you feel are the most fun to fight and portray their theme the best?


For me

#5 Baron Blade - Simple. Crazy doctor guy, had minions, get 15 cards in his trash and you lose to his Moon Beam. 

#4 Akash Bhuta - Was once explained to me as a God Of War fight with cards, and its so true. Her control over the environment is also pretty awesome. 

#3 The Chairman - Has his badass, right hand (wo)man who does all his dirty work, and his less efficient underbosses, who then bring out thugs. Makes it seem like a true crime ring

#2 The Matriarch - She makes it feel like there is a shit ton of birds attacking...and thats exactly how it should be. Birds, always!

#1 The Ennead - I am partial to a group of villains. Each of them plays their role (much like us) and its just always a really fun fight. 



The Dreamer - Can't attack the little girl. Awesome idea.

Citizen Dawn - Feels a lot like the Brotherhood of Mutants, which I like

Kismet - Love the LUCK FACTOR

Very good list! I agree with all of your choices, although I feel that all of the villians are thematic on some level. From having a survival horror experience with Spite that turns into a giant showdown with a drug-wracked monstrosity, to fighting a mobile factory that keeps bristling with guns and spawning smaller drones, to fighting an evil version of a hero. It's all there!


The only exeption is that it's hard to see The Chairman as being in other places. Mainly, Atlantis.... What's his game? I'm on to you...

oh absolutely, every one of them does feel thematic, I was just wondering which people favorites are

Mr favorite of them all is The Chairman. I've always been a sucker for organized crime shticks, so of course the Organization just got me. The fact that he's one of the hardest Villains of all just adds to the awesomeness.

For me, I have a few.

La Capitan: For reasons similar to the Ennead posted above, I love how it's not just the supervillain you're fighting, you're also fighting her posse, each of whom have their own personalities and schticks. Plus, it's a showdown with timetraveling pirates. How can you go wrong? (God I love this game)

Iron Legacy: Thematically I always did like seeing how heroes would be if they were villains (hence my love for mirror universes). Iron Legacy is both awesome and depressing. It's pretty damned scary to see what would happen if a hero decided that all bets were off, and just terrible to see him pound his former allies into the ground with no remorse. (Tropes to fall under: "Beware the Superman," "Face Heel Turn.")

Grand Warlord Voss: Very straightforward, and you have NO problems fitting him in any environment. Plus, I love the variety of the alien minions along with the warships he can bring into play. In some really pitched games, it really does feel like you're trying to hold back WAVES of alien invaders.