Two Chairman rule questions

Hey all.  These issues might be covered in the core rules, but I wasn't able to find anything about them myself.


1.) During the Operative's end of villian's turn where she puts an underboss into play from the villian deck, if there are no underbosses in the villian deck at that time, but there are underbosses in the trash, do you skip this portion of her turn or do you reshuffle the remaining trash into the villian deck and play an underboss from there?


2.) When the chairman's villian deck runs out of cards and he's called upon to draw a new card from the deck, do you shuffle the entire villian trash and draw from that or do you leave the thugs out of the deck as per the setup card and shuffle the remaining cards to make the new villian deck?


Definately appreciate whatever help you can give me.

1) You would still reveal cards until the end of the deck, if no underboss was found you would than shuffle your deck. The trash would remain untouched.

2) You would shuffle the entire trash back into the deck. So all those nasty thugs will be out of the trash!

Note that shuffling the trash back into the deck is true of all decks - if you need to either draw, discard, or play from a deck but there aren't any cards left, you shuffle the trash to make a new deck but only when you actually need to draw or whatever - you don't reshuffle just because you've run out of cards, but leave the empty deck until you need to take a card from it. The only time you don't reshuffle when you run out of cards is when you reveal cards. So in the example with the Operative, she needs to reveal cards until she gets an Underboss but none are left? Aaww, too bad for her ;). The same goes for when you need to reveal a specific number of cards, for example Arcane Cadence (in the Argent Adept's deck), which tells you to reveal the top five cards of your deck. If you have less than five cards remaining in your deck, you reveal as many as are left but lose out on the rest. So, best not play that card if you have less than five in your deck, unless you really need to play one of those cards right now ;).

If you play Arcane Cadence with less than 5 cards than you wouldn't put any of them into play during your play phase as that is the last step and you wouldn't make it to that step.

Is that actually intended as a step order or just to do those 5 things in any sequence?  I don't have the card in front of me but I don't think it says "do A then B". I think it says "do A and B". There is no implied order. 

That is true, but I always thought that even if it doesn't say "then" it would still be done in order. As you could manage to chain all 4 Arcane Cadance and end up with 4 sperate stacks of various sizes and not remember what you did with each of those decks already and cause a lot of chaos.


I don't think that's right, but I don't have The Operative in front of me. If she's revealing cards until the end of the deck, she'd just stop when she gets to the bottom of the deck. The Operative card doesn't say to reveal cards from the deck and trash, does it?


Ahh, sorry. I just properly read what Ronway wrote. Never mind.


I'm with Ronway on this. You drew four cards instead of five? You get to do the first four things, not any four you want.