Two Omnitron-X Questions

Apologies for not being able to remember card names.


1. Playing Omnitron-X, I have in play the card that triggers at the start of my turn, letting me either draw or play a card.  If I play a card that also has a 'start of turn' trigger, will it trigger now, or will I have to wait until the start of my next turn?


2. Is the X in his name just a letter suffix, or is it supposed to be a Roman Numeral?  Is he 'Omnitron Ecks' or 'Omnitron Ten'?

1. It will trigger; it follows the same rule as a Villain playing a card during the Villain end of turn and it having an end of turn trigger on it.


2. X is ten, it's the tenth itteration of his evolution, but I haven't seen anyone call him anything other than ecks

Matchstickman got both of those right, and even doesn't own Omni-X yet! Oh the craziness!


Electro-Deployment Unit is typically the first Component I put into play because of this. It allows you to play Components at the start of your turn to reaping their effect immediately. It's the second thing on my prioty list when searching for a card with Technological Advancement, first being the proper plating. I typically only play Components at the start of my turn at that point since they get the immediate effect, saving my play phase for one of his many other awesome cards!


Omnitron ecks sounds better than Omnitron ten!

Or you can just call him Omnitronks...

I actually tend to call him Omnitron 10.

I've taken to calling him Omni-10 because then I don't bug myself by referring to a Roman numeral as an English letter ;).

 I refer to him as X (ecks)  because he was no doubt inspired in part by Mega Man X,  and I have very fond memories of playing that game  as a kid.  

Katsue and Ameena were later burnt at the stake, as an example to others of their kind.

Everyone is stealing my Omnitronks joke! GRR

I sometimes call him X (eks) and sometimes call him Ox (as in the four legged animal).  My group has fond memories of Ox Bellows from Betrayal at the House on the Hill so maybe thats why we like to call him Ox.

I call him Omnitron Eks. I know the X stands for 10, but I like to think that by pronouncing it as Eks, you signify that it's not just the next (10th) iteration, but also that this one differs qualitatively from the previous ones. A departure from the old product line, so to say.

I tend to think of it like Iteration X from WoD.  X is the variable that represents the iteration at which a computer will gain sentience.  Since Omnitron is sentient he has reached Iteration X.

Omnitron was sentient to start with - the moment he was turned on, his backstory says, he became self-aware. Also, his front side on his character card describes him as a "Self-Aware Robotics Factory". The thing that makes Omni-10 different is the presence of empathy, which he programmed himself with because he thought it'd give him an edge on beating the heroes (since he figured one of the main factors in their kicking his arse all the time was that they understood and helped each other, therefore he thought that of he could do that too, he'd win)...then it backfired when it caused him to realise "oh crap, I'm a bad guy and I've been killing people and that's bad!", causing him to switch sides and decide to destroy himself in the past so he wouldn't cause so much havoc.

.....I don't get the Omnitronks joke.

well, it's not a joke, really. Basically, I make a point of intentionally pronouncing his name phonetically (omnitronks, like it's all one word, rather than omnitron-x.), and it bugs me whenever someone else comes up with the same jokes as me.

I call him "Helper" because he looks like the character of the same name from Venture Bros.

I believe you mean H.E.L.P.eR.

You don't think it's kind of cool that people care about that nickname and have circulated it around the forum?

You probably shouldn't share your jokes with the internet if you want to tell them exclusively.

Also, it's news to me that it was a joke.  I always assumed it was just a nickname.  Either way, I like it.

(yeah... here's where my humor becomes hard to interpret over the internet)

I kind of have this weird, multi-layered approach to my humor. It's kind of self-depreciative, but not directly ("I'm stupid ha ha") but criticizing my own, illogical thought patterns. So part of the joke is that it's completely non-sensical for me to be upset that someone else has a similar thought process to me. I'm not upset about it, really. It's just kind of a thing. I guess.


Because that makes sense.