Two quick questions

1) Cards like Wraith's Combat Stance: "First time she receives damage from a target, she does 2 damage."  (Obviously a paraphrase.)  If she is attacked by several cards in a turn, does she do 2 to each of them (but never more than once to a single target) or just to the 1st one?

2) If an effect says that, for instance, "Heroes cannot play cards," the hero cannot play cards in the 1st phase of the turn - but can they draw a card instead? Or is it like that phase doesn't occur?


1) I believe the ruling is that it is the first damage from each target.  So in one turn it can go off multiple times, but only once per target.

2) Not sure what you mean here.  If you play no cards AND use no powers in your turn, then you may draw an extra card during your draw phase.  You can do this even if the reason you played no cards is that an effect said you couldn't.

The only time you couldn't draw an extra card from an effect is if you have to skip your turn. If you skip your entire turn, then you would not get a draw phase.

The Draw phase, by default, allows a hero to draw a card. That's it. If you can't draw a card you don't get to do something else instead.

that wasn't the question. He means if he is forced to not play a card, can he draw an extra card by not using a power either.


And the answer is yes.

This also applies to effects that make you skip "the rest of your turn" before the draw phase, like Fanatic's Prayer of Desperation or Nightmist's Mist-Fueled Recovery.

Hmm, don't those two say "immediately end your turn"? Which actually means skipping to the End phase - in Nightmist's case this still lets her use the Starshield Necklace to heal herself, if she wants to, as that is an End phase action. Stuff that makes you skip your whole turn is like the Marse Base's Meteor Shower card - that specifically says you must skip your turn, not end it.

If something says you can't play cards, then any time when you would normally play a card, you do nothing. Not in your Play phase, nor if anything else (such as one of the Adept's songs) says you can. Similarly, if something says you can play an extra card in your Play phase (such as the Time Flies distortion in the Realm of Discord), you don't get to play an extra card any other time, because that's not your Play phase.


This clarifies it for me.  But in doing so, it made me go back to the rules and realize I've been playing something wrong all this time: I was playing it that if you skipped playing a card, you could draw AND then if you didn't play a power, you could draw another card.  Oops.

Since no one else commented on the 1st question, I assume that the answer provided above is correct.

Oops, forgot that in the "can't play cards" discussion. Yes, if it specifies the first time you get hit by a target (Ra's Flame Barrier is the same), it's the first time that particular target hits you each turn. So yes, if you get hit by several different things, you get to thwack each of them as long as you took damage from the strike - if you had a couple of points of Stealth up, however, and were hit for, say, one point of damage, you'd soak that on your Stealth (thus losing the Stealth) and therefore wouldn't have taken any damage. So your Combat Stance wouldn't go off. But if you then got hit by something else (or the same target, for example Apostate hitting you in his end-of-turn attack which deals melée and then infernal damage), you'd take damage and so your Combat Stance would go off. If a new target then hit you, you'd get to punch that one too. Note also that it doesn't specify the nature of the target - if another hero hits you (for example, Haka on a Rampage), that hero is a target, so will get a punch in the face.

And yes, oops on your card-drawing thing, lol. If you can't play a card during your Play phase, you just skip that phase and go straight to the Power phase.

Seriously? Combat Stance woks like that? Another error I was making... 

Are you referring to the possibility of Wraith punching one of her allies on the face if that hero deals her damage? Yes. Presumably she's also therefore supposed to punch herself in the face if she's fighting Plague Rat and gets Infected, which wouldn't seem to make much sense :P.

No, I knew she can kick other heroes of herself, but I was playing "combat stance" as follows : The first time each turn that ANY target deals damage to the wraith, she deals back 2 damage to that target. For the rest of the turn, "combat stance" never triggers again, even if she receives damage from other targets. 
Honestly, I am going to trust you guys for this card. Because I don´t think this way the card is overpowered, and before it seemed underpowered to me. And because I am quite new to the game, and it is obvious that my English reading skills are not as sharpt as I thought. BUT, just reading the text of the card, I am not able to decide whether your interpretation or my (former) interpretation is the right one. And that frustrates me.

(But thanks for the question, and for the answers)


Edit: I just remembered, in my last game I was playing with Haka, and a friend was playind with the Wraith. The only time that "combat stance" activated before being destroyed by a devastating aurora, was when I played a very convenient rampage. Oh boy, is that girl short-tempered.

Which actually leads to another question: Does Haka injure himself when he Rampages? (I had an awesome game where an incap Tachyon allowed Haka to Rampage every turn for the rest of the game).


(I had an awesome game where an incap Tachyon allowed Haka to Rampage every turn for the rest of the game).
