Can Unity use a golem to take damage that is directed at Unity? If "yes", then if an environment card does 1 damage to each non-environment target can a golem take both the 1-damage directed at it and the damage directed at Unity?
No. The only golem that redirects damage is the Stealth Bot and that's spelt out on the card itself.
However, for that bot, and in general with redirections, yes, the bot can get hit twice once for the redirect and once for when its the target. Stealth Bot can get hit a lot of times as it could redirect damage to itself every time another hero or bot was damaged.
Incidentally, who else thought the title of theis thread would make a good 60's cartoon show about a band?
Thanks for the clarification on the rules regarding Unity. If you don't hear from me soon, it's because I'm out trademarking a band name. ;)
Not 60s. This is definitely late 80s early 90s cartoon territory.
Going off Unity, her base power states to destroy an equipment to play a golem. Can she destroy equipment she doesn't control (say destroying one of Wraith's equipment and dropping in a golem?
Yes, she can. Ra feels about her turning his Staff into a mini-raptor is not known, however.
Where'd the 'How' go? I swear I wrote it in there. Where's that EDIT button?!
Unity turned it into a mini-Platform
Unity, Unity is outrageous?
In all seriousness, though, I was really looking forward to when they’d make a minion hero and, having gotten a few games in with my playtester friends, I can definitely say i’m looking forward to playing my own copy.
On the topic of Ra, having Unity blow up his staff so he can play another one might not be so bad for him, what with the new changes to his staff.
But it's the Staff of Ra! It is not mere raw materials for a child to toy with.
And if she messes with Absolution...
But the question is - is she truly, truly, truly outrageous?
(See what I did there with the 80s cartoons allusions and the Jem and the what not …)
It's still in there. She just added a broken appliance, fishing line, a paper clip, duct-tape, a straw, a sock, a dozen drill bits, a #2 pencil, and LED lights for eyes. All she needed was a power source.
Can Unity play Golems when it isn't her play phase? I'm assuming that's the intent behind Scrap Metal's start of turn trugger, but I was wondering if that also applied to, say, the perform ability on Argent Adept's Alacritous Subdominant or similar powers? I'm going with yes unless told otherwise, but just wanted to check.
Yes is the correct answer.