By far, I'd say the most common question we see about the game is, "during the end-of-turn phase, if a card comes out that also has an end-of-turn effect, does that one activate too?". I just wanted to post something as a reminder that this would make a great addition to the official rule book when it gets printed for Vengeance (I'm assuming it'll be a full rulebook and not just an Infernal Relics-style filler piece?)
In fact, it might not be a bad idea to go through the FAQ I've been collecting on my site and see where the clarifications I've chronicled can be worked back into the official rules. Since the FAQ only contains stuff from the designers themselves, and each one represents a question that actual players have been confused enough about to ask about online, I'd guess that most of that stuff should have a home in the official rules no problem.
It's a good and proper thing that as the game gets more expansions and the complexity of cards and interactions increases, a robust FAQ will always be needed. But some of the older stuff, especially the really common questions like the end-of-turn thing, or "if Wraith uses her base power for a few rounds and then gets hit, does it all go away", etc. should probably be folded back into the official set of rules, I think.
I'm quite sure that most of us on the forums have at least seen your AWESOME faq, but yeah, maybe a rulebook change would be a good idea, for owners of the game that don't frequent the forums. I can't even guess how many times I've used what you've collected when I play with... well, everyone else who I let use my set, the rules can be bloody confusing ESPECIALLY for new players. (Well, I think AA and AZ will always make me have to think too much).
If I could have pointed to somebody else's FAQ to roll back into the rulebook, I would have. But it seems like you all are happy letting me do that work by myself. ;)
I envision a world where my (or anyone's) FAQ is like, five pages max, because the rules are so comprehensive and well-written that anything more isn't needed.
Eh, perfect rules never happen. There probably was an erratta on Tick Tack Toe when it was new. We could be playing Star Fleet Battles edition from the mid-80s, where the erratta books were longer than most rule books.
I frequently play Twilight Imperium, with expansions. I suppose my favorite rule in Sentinels, which prevents arguments, is that players adjucate ambiguity. TI doesn't have that, and instead has like a pretty long faq/errata, but it's far from comprehensive, and sometimes the rules arguments get... lengthy. (Actually had like a 2 hour discussion last night about something... it sucked.)
Oh, and I was just poking fun Spiff, I use your FAQ often, as well as your other resources. I actually regret not having my laptop handy when I was showing the game to some new people, I forgot how easy Gloomy is when not playing with his "Gloomier" version.