Vengeance playtesting has started

Just a heads up that Vengeance playtesting materials were released to playtesters yesterday.


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You lucky ducks...

Don't you mean lucky [redacted]. Mwahahaha!!!! I kid, I just haven't done a redacted post before, felt the need to do so. My redacted however stands for nothing.

Don't trust him. It stands for something.

I have three questions for the playtesters:

  1. Is it awesome?
  2. Is it really awesome?
  3. Is it [redacted]?

1) [Redacted]

2) [Redacted]

3) [Redacted] [Redacted]

I am filled with so much envy for you guys. I haven't seen [redacted] in such a long time, I forgot how much it drives me crazy D: Hope it's awesome!

I totally [redacted] you all. :rage:

Share the joy and secrets with fellow Sentinels forummers. Yay!

I am having a lot of fun with Vengeance. I've played just one game so far, but really enjoyed it, despite losing.

How did you playtest? (Or how does anyone playtest, really.) Was it [redacted] x5 vs. [redacted] in [redacted], or did you mix in older stuff? I mean, I guess you have to do both, but what do you do first?

All new stuff all at once.  It doesn't make for the greatest playtesting notes, but it's too tempting to not try out everything immediately!

 [Redacted] I imagine I'll be mostly trying a couple of new elements a game so that I can isolate how they bnehave. Then on how they interact.


Edit: Removed potentially priviledged information.

(Careful about what we're giving away, here - the new way the villains play is not public knowledge.)

It's definitely interesting and enjoyable! I'm excited about playing the new set and seeing how it evolves. Great stuff!

Personally, I'm trying to focus on a couple new things in each game, but I'm not playing the new villains versus the new heroes. It's easier to focus on just new heroes against a known villain or just new villains against known heroes.

Oh, and the environments! OMG the environments!!! I have to say ao%8p^@23y^4 ta@o&!tgf*hn 9%7h62ql^t g$q

That was the perfect place for [redacted]!

I have no idea what you're talking about, sir.

I like to isolate playtesting to using a single new deck at a time, though I'll often break that to throw in a new env deck along with another new deck.

I tend to mix and match. I may play only one new deck, sometimes I will play multiple new decks. It just depends on my mood or if I wanna try out a combo.


I like taking on GloomWeaver for the simple fact he doesn't destroy stuff so it makes it that much easier to see how their ongoing/equipment work with one another.


What about the environments? We know that one is likely the MDP. Is the other one the F5HQ?

This is clearly some sort of cypher.


Edit: Also how soon should I have playtester access if I just payed it off?