Should we expect some new information about vengenance and when? I don`t mean any solid date - something like - in that month or this season.
Checking kickstart page everyday is starting to get very tiresome.
And Christopher - showing us all new enemies and not showing us any inormation about heroes - that was a really interesting move - you king of teasers.
There was a comment in a podcast somewhere saying that we're going to be getting a lot of Vengeance info after the GSF Kickstarter ends, so that should be mid-May.
Ambuscade is going to be a hero! Twitchy is going to have a mechanic which changes depending on which day of the week you're playing the game! Prime Warden #5 is Miss Information's nemesis! Speculating is fuuuuuuuun!
Ambuscade is going to be a hero! Twitchy is going to have a mechanic which changes depending on which day of the week you're playing the game! Prime Warden #5 is Miss Information's nemesis! Speculating is fuuuuuuuun!
Clearly Miss Information's nemesis is the janitor at the Vengeful Five's base, secretly working to undermine her efforts by focusing her attacks on the villains rather than the heroes.
Ha! I was actually guessing something similar, but an IT person who discovered her plans in her computer (when her harddrive crashed and had to be restored) and strove to work against her efforts.
I couldn't figure out any other reason a character would have for using curley brackets (Miss Information's nemesis symbol) other than in coding.
A potential hacktivist hero? Call him Anonymus haha. I am sure that if a hacker turns out to be Miss Infos nemisis, Omitron might need to rethink his entire strategy of everything
Vengeance information will be forthcoming some time after the conclusion of the GSF Kickstarter - until that happens, you can take a brief break from checking the ST/Vengeance KS page :)
I'm honestly hoping Miss Information's nemesis is more like Aiden Pierce from the upcoming Watch Dogs video game. Rather than a hacker who sits in a room far away from a battle, a hacker like Aiden could use a mobile device to hack while still being on the battlefield. How cool would it be to have a hero like this guy?
If Vengeance is like the other expansions, all the introduced heroes will have nemeses, while there will be a couple of villains with nemeses still to be revealed.
There are more villains on the box then we've been introduced to. I also put an if in there. I'm pretty sure we'll get some nemeses to villains in past expansions, and probably get some new villains without nemeses. It seems that part of the Greater than Games business model involves not closing any loops until they're ready to be finished. I'm just thinking that no matter how different this expansion may be, it will leave as many questions as it answers.
La Capitan and Kismet's nemesis will be revealed! The other 3 will be newbies to the Multiverse and lots of speculating material for the final two expansions. Bringing the total up to 7 for heroes without unique nemesis. Absolute Zero, Bunker, Unity, and Scholar are the other 4. Miss Information may have a nemesis but as nothing is none about it than it's a mystery.
The 5 villains are already revealed to be nemesis to the Freedom Five, now how there nemesis mechanic actually works is a mystery. Either each of them will have a nemesis symbol for their respective hero or all of them will feature the symbol of all five heroes. I think the former of the latter is much more likely, but you never know.
1 of the 2 environments I hope for is the Mobile Defense Platform, as that would be so awesome! This is pretty much based off of the fact the Time Cataclysm as the Main Computer Room. What better expansion to have it in than the one feature Baron Blade and is new allies?
A very good point was brought up that there are a lot of faces on the Vengence box. The guy from nightmists heedless lash. The guy bashing Visionarys decoy projection. Some old dude with a monocle. Who are they, and more importantly, how do they fit into Vengence?
We know they are not part of the V5. We can safely guess that they are not Heros based upon how they are depicted in the art we currently have. That leaves but one possible explanation. They must be part of a new environment.
Vengence is about the formation of the V5, counterpart of our F5. There are other Heros associated with the F5 outside of the core group. I am going out on a limb here to say that the V5 is probably no different.
Ronway mentioned a hope for a MDP environment. I think he may be very close. I am anticipating an environment set in the V5 hideout, complete with a smattering of other related baddies recruited by the Barron. This would leave the door wide open for the 2nd environment to be the F5 headquarters.
I think it's safe to say that Ronway is dead on about the Mobile Defense Platform being an environment. Main Computer Room had its own unique health icon, and that's all the evidence I need.
The old guy with the monocle looks a lot like Viktor from Voss' deck. As for every that appears on the pormotion art for Vengeance is a slight mystery. See them all hanging out is slightly strange. It makes me wonder if they have a lot of henchman inside their decks aswell. Maybe they could be the environment? Though I am totally stoked that Hippo man appears, meaning he may have his own card! Something I have been waiting two years for.