Here’s another interview from the Chicago Comic Con. The Wizard World video people (who interview all of the panelists and celebrities at the cons) did an interview with me about the game.
I apologize if you have seen this video review, but it bears repeating. This guy gives you some of the greatest compliments any game designer / storyteller could ever receive.
Well done. My copy arrives tomorrow. I cannot wait to have it my hands.
Thanks again for bringing this great game to the market.
We have pictures of someone WHO YOU’VE ALL TALKED TO as Legacy, as well as some people from Gen Con as Tachyon, The Wraith, Tempest, and even Citizen Dawn!
Ooooh! A bunker costume would be so sweet! We have a Tachyon, The Wraith, and Legacy… All we need is Bunker and Absolute Zero to cosplay the Freedom Five! I’ve got some ideas on how to pull off AZ, Bunker would be harder though if we were hoping to make it comfortable…
If I had the funds I would totally do AZ but sadly they are lacking. Will see what I can do before next GenCon though might be worth the effort.
You could always get creative with materials like this guy.
I think I will cosplay as Omnitron! But first I will have to become an owner of a multi-million dollar company, use all the money on research on how to build a machine with all the same functions as Omnitron and how to transfer a human mind into machines. Then i’ll sport the look at the next convention following the completion of the research. So after I crunch the numbers I come up that the time I will have this complete will be… Carrry the one… Divide the nine… solve for x… and the answer is… Never.
I know its been a while since anyone has posted here but me and my dad (Arathorn) started a video series, wasn't really popular, wanna give it a second chance to be popular, its on y YouTube channel @ if people start watching them again there will be more to come!!