VivaJava & Compounded - print runs & gameplay curiosity

A reprint of VivaJava would be awesome! I've played a lot of it, such a unique game... Not often do you high five your opponent during a game...!

Side note: It's funny to see that GTG portrait of you, Darell...!

First off, Hi Darrell! Welcome to the forums.  :grin:

Secondly, Compounded sounds like my cup of tea. A trading game dealing with Chemistry? Yes please!!

Can I be annoying and ask how detailed does Compounded get into Chemistry? Can someone with no chemistry knowledge play this happily? And vice versa, in the sense can a Chemist play this and get really complex with this game?

You can play perfectly fine without any chemistry knowledge. Basically, you're trying to build molecules from elements that you draw from a bag. The molecules have their "recipes" on the card, so you cannot just improvise and build, let's say, a saccharose molecule (although it could be funny... or annoying...!). On the other hand, if you know the molecular formula of some compounds, you might recognize some of them on the cards because they are all "real life" molecules.

That is actually pretty cool!

I hadn't heard of the game until I read about the merger, but when I watched Tom Vasel's review, I did geek out a bit at where he shows the fire extinguisher and said you need to build it with 1 carbon and 2 oxygen (Carbon Dioxide).

He described it as Ticket To Ride weight - is that about fair? I enjoyed Ticket but I find trains to be one of the least interesting things on the planet, so whilst it's a good game, I'd sooner not buy it if I can get something as challenging but with a more interesting theme. Also do youu know anything about expansions etc for it?


I think that the analogy to Ticket to Ride is roughly accurate.

We are reprinting Compounded along with the Geiger Expansion, and they should both be available this summer! We also have a mini-expansion for Compounded, the "Chemical Chaos Expansion", in stock in the store right now.


Thank you - I'll be keeping an eye out on Esdevium etc! Posted the Dice Tower review to a friend's wall so I might have help sell another copy too

How do the expansions fit in the main box? I took it as a good sign that the one criticism Tom could muster was that he felt the box was a little smaller than he'd like

Cool! Thank you! Then yes, I am definitely buying this game when they restock. (And probably all expansions available.)


I am kinda sad that you can not make your own compounds, but at the same time I understand why they would not make the game to be played like that. I am excited to learn and play this game.  :grin:

Posted a link to Bottom of the 9th to a friend's page, the partner of a mutual friend saw the link and has now shared Compounded on the mutual friend's page. Can I claim commission?... ;-)

For anyone curious about Compounded, I've found a gameplay video here:

It has some technical difficulties, and I think the game play is a little slower than it would usually be as they're actively demoing/discussing the game (with the Geiger expansion), but you can get a pretty good feel for the game I'd say. I'm 90% likely to buy it, once it hits UK distributors

Any idea when the reprint of VivaJava is going to be? This is all I want for Christmas. :wink:

Unfortunately not for Christmas :(

I'm hoping by the middle of next year!

NOOOOOO!!!  It's all I want for Christmas (and my upcoming birthday) too.   :cry: