Weird game against the Dreamer at the Block

3 incapacitated heroes and the Visionary in her Telekinetic Cocoon...

We just waited for the guards and inmates to kill 8 dreams.  

Interesting, but not the most exciting ending.

I have only played two games against the Dreamer, and in both of those games all but one hero was incapacitated at the end.

You're lucky they didn't kill an Illusory Demon.

Personally this is why I don't like Visionary's cocoon or Nightmist's Mistform. They can lead to boring game states. 

Typically in my games if Visionary is the last alive with Demoralization in play against a Villian and Environment without Ongoing destruction it is typically right there call it end game, as there is nothing bad that can happen. Sure most have one way to destroy Ongoing, but up against Voss i'm really not going to set there and wait for a ship to come out, especially if Visionary has Mental Divergence and Wrest the Mind as she can pop out and use Wrest the Mind on the Ship and easily kill and, then go back in her cocoon on the next turn, or right afterwards if a hero after her allow how to play a card.


NightMist is a little more tricky, as she doesn't have a way to deal damage in her Mist Form, besides redirecting, which I still find odd that you can even redirect damage if you're immune...

I agree that those two cards can make for boring games. I believe the intention was to interact with other cards in the deck, not sit and do nothing. Visionary uses it to be able to avoid Wrest the Mind damage. Nightmist draws cards and heals. Then the ladies are supposed to pop out of safety and rejoin the fight.

Maybe they should have a timer. Let's say they only last for 10 or 15 turns. At the end of your 10th it is destroyed. Or maybe a clause that says you can't win if it was in play at the start of the round.

One possible house rule: If all characters besides Visionary are incapacitated, Telekinetic Cocoon is destroyed.

More generally: If all characters who are not incapacitated have Telekinetic Cocoon or Mistform in play, destroy all Telekinetic Cocoon and Mistform.


This seems thematic, in that the villain wins if the only remaining heroes are in hiding. It also avoids the anticlimax ending.

So TK Cocoon and Mistform would work in every situation except for the ones where they are most useful?


Why not just not play with it if it spoils your fun?

I just played my first game against the Dreamer, and only survived because Fanatic was lucky enough to pull her Aegis twice.  ChronoRingo, Tach, and OmniX were out. 

In the case stated above, I would just declare victory and call it done.

Against Voss in that circumstance, I don't know how Visionary would actually win while hiding in a Telekinetic Cocoon. All he has to do is get out a Gene Bound Guard and all his stuff is safe. Visionary has no One Shots that kill the Guard.

I guess my problem with them is that they seem to much like I win cards.


It seems like why play the game at that point. As soon as you draw cocoon or Mistform just play, it and it is game over. Yes it works only against some villain/environment combos, but it still annoys me that there is one card I win "combos" at all. 


But if that is fun for you go for it, personally I have more fun when we don't use them, shrug. 


Several things, environment could take it, a Twist the Ether on Visionary could handle it after a few turns. Also with Twist of Ether on Visionary a mind spike would one-shot it. Though once again, it would get boring after awhile, so chalk it up as a win as there is no way Voss could win at that point.

The much more likely outcome is that the Visionary can do absolutely nothing about Forced Deployment when it occurs, because all of Voss's Minions have 2 damage reduction, and then Voss wins at the start of his next turn due to having 10 guys in play.

The only Villains who have no real recourse against this kind of thing are Plague Rat, Gloomweaver, and Ambuscade. All other Villains have either Ongoing destruction, an alternate win condition, or both.


It really depends on incap powers of allies and turn order for how it turns out. If you think you should play out a game where Visionary is the last survivor with demoralization and telekenetic cocoon in play then be my guest. I would rather end the game and move onto another game rather than drag something out.


Not to mention what happened before all other heroes Incapped? Two Forced Deployments are in the trash, a Wrested Kraken is dealing 5 points to Voss every round and only taking 2 points of damage from it since Visionary is Twist the Ethered and thus lowering it. So the Kraken can live 8 rounds deal atleast 40 points of damage before being defeated. Voss is left at 23 HP, not too much longer. Oh no A Gene-Bound Guard comes out! Demoralizion will get 1 points into it dropping it down to 2. Visionary pops out of her Telekenitic Cocoon to Mind Spike it for 3 points, it's now dead. Mental Divergence to get the Cocoon back on top, now I draw a card. A following hero allows me to play a card, I choose the Cocoon. Another hero allows me to return a card to my hand from my trash, I think i'll take the Mind Spike. Kraken deals 5 damage to Voss, woohoo! Rinse and repeat.  Sounds like a winning situation, instead of playing out the next few rounds why not just start a new game?


My first post states that against a villian/environment with no Ongoing destruction is when I will quit the game, so telling me which villians can do that isn't really making a point. Voss was just an example I chose, i'm not saying every single game could end that way, but when I feel it is the way I want to end it then I can in fact choose to end it, because for the third time it is boring. If there is a chance for a come-back I will continue playing it out until either A) it gets to the point I lose or B) I either win or get to the point it is 90% likely going to be a success.

We must need to go after Dreamer again, because our group has played her two or three times (I was in on one of them) and never had any problem. I think all 3 games were with 3 heroes, so maybe more is more difficult? The game I was in on, we had OX, CR, and Scholar, and with all of our builds out, everything was dead by the end of OX's turn.

I don't have Dreamer in front of me, but on the text of her card, does it say redirected environment damage needs to be taken by a hero or that it just needs to be redirected? Saying it needs to be taken would protect against either coccooning or Legacying the damage away.

With the Dreamer, it says you may choose to redirect environment damage to the hero with the lowest hp - you don't have to.

So far we've beaten the Dreamer erm…three times, I think. No losses so far, anyway - we manage to pile on enough damage that we don't get overwhelmed by projections. Stuff like the Toymaster we deal with ASAP so I don't think one of those has ever landed a hit on us, which I think could be nasty because his damage is something like the number of cards in the trash plus one, or something.

I've had one victory where a Hero died, and two walkovers against Miss Information (one on Advanced), but The Dreamer is at least 2 for 1 against me. There was the game where 2 Dark Heroes showed up and made everything unkillable, and the game where we had her beaten, as Mr. Fixer had a Grease Gun, Dual Crowbars, Grease Monkey Fist and Salvage Yard/Overcharge, and then that damn Treacherous Ape waited for the Grease Gun to go away and hit him for 5, killing him, and then did the same thing to Argent Adept. Defeat soon followed after.

I think the Dreamer is deceptive.  Some days, she'll let you walk all over her.  Then, when you least expect it, she'll slam you with two Dark Heroes and you'll never even have a chance.  With the 4s, you kinda expect that.  With her, she looks so easy and unassuming and BAM.  Shredded dream meat.

She's probably my favorite for that.