What should I try first?

Getting the expansions today. 

Which team should i try first? I can't decide, i'm sooo excited.

Try using a randomizer. 

All of the expansions? The only thing I would say is, if you're playing solo, don't play multiple high-complexity heroes. Right after I got Infernal Relics, I tried to play Nightmist and Argent Adept "cold" and I didn't end up really understanding either of them that first game.

^^Agreed. Even now, when I have the cards memorized and the mechanics down cold, I try to avoid playing more than one complexity 3 character in a single solo game. Too much of a headache to keep track of everyone -___-

Shoot, I didn't play them solo and it took me a couple of times to figure NM and AA out. Primarily because the games didn't last long enough for me to work my way through all the cards and I didn't know what to search for. Of course, I'll read decks before I play them, not that it makes a lick of difference. I lack the imagination to see how cards would work in real time, particularly for those two.

celette, if it helps, this is what I did for AA (He is the hero I had the hardest time figuring out.) I laid out all of his cards in front of me, and started to just try to chain everything together. I looked at what the cards did, and then I looked at what instruments would let me use those cards. With everything laid out in front of me as if in a real game, it wasn't that hard. And then I played a "practice" game, no villain, no other heroes, no environment, just AA. I'd run through a few turns, get a feel for him. And then I'd get good ole' BB, Gloomy, or the Rat (my default punching bag Villains), then I'd pic some of my favorite heroes (so they could cover for AA if he messed up) then just...played. Got it on my second run through with a villain, while when I did it for NM and AZ, I got it on the first. So yey!

Well, yeah, I did figure him out. Just saying that it took several games before I'd played him enough to work out the whole thing.

Omintron-X, Chrono Ranger, and Expatriette vs. La Capitan in The Tomb of Anubis

How... specific.

Hmm, I think the Ennead would be better. Although I like the theme of La Capitan, she runs the risk of making the game unfun. Not all the time, but the Ennead is always a good shot (well, as long as you don't get Nuit… or Atum, or Osiris…) Well, Whatever happens, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!