When does the pre order start?

I read someone say a while ago that >G was going to put Vengeance up for pre order after the GSF kick starter was over.  I have been looking at the store (and the forums for any sort of update) every day since that kick starter ended and have not seen anything...

Does anyone know when this might be posted?  I don't want to lose out if they only allow so many pre orders or something...

Fear not! The pre-order will be announced here on our website, as well as on our Twitter account (@GTGamesLLC) once it begins. We anticipate starting pre-orders some time in July, and running them for at least a couple of weeks. Furthermore, there will not be a limited number of pre-orders; pre-orders will be possible for a pre-announced window of time, and anyone ordering Vengeance during that window will get in on the pre-order.

I like the cut of your jib.

What’s a jib?

"The cut of your jib"


A far classier version of "I like your style", originally used by pirates in the 17th century the expression refers to the forward sail on most ships. The course and speed of a ship is determined by the cut of the ships jib, so saying that you like the cut of someones jib is a way of saying, I like the way you're heading.

Edit: Explaination was a copy and paste from somewhere. Not my own words.

Quick question - what's the advantage of pre-ordering as a UK buyer, as opposed to buying from a UK store when it's released (and consequently saving money on shipping)?

Promos, I assume?

- YouTube on my phone so I’m not HTMLing properly


The advantage of pre-ordering is that everyone who pre-orders will get the America's Greatest Legacy promo card and Oversized Villain Cards for free with their order. Pre-orders will also be sent out before Vengeance is sent to distributors (but after it is sent to backers from the Shattered Timelines Kickstarter campaign).


So I assume Art prints are only for those that backed the KS?

Side note: Paul, any update on the wallpaper pack/media pack for SOTM?



We'll be working on that over the summer. Hopefully it will be available before Gen Con.

Okay, thanks. For me, the extras aren't worth the increased cost due to international shipping so I'll wait until I can buy it in the UK. (No criticism, by the way, I know that shipping is way expensive and your prices are fair.)

If you guys do make it to London in October, is there a possibility of pre-ordring and picking it up from you there? I'm assuming you're planning to release in time for Essen so you'll have it by then, right?


We won't be able to bring any games with us on the airplane. However, we will bring promo cards, and stores in the UK should hopefully have Vengeance by then.

Excellent! I'm super excited for Vengeance by the way. :slight_smile:

Can we pre-order then pick up our copy at Gen Con?

As far as I know Vengeance won’t be ready by Gen-Con. I think Paul was just saying the “wallpaper pack/media pack” for SotM should be ready by the middle of August. I wish I was wrong, as I would love to pick my copy up (or anything new for SotM) at Gen Con.
Glad to hear one can still pre-order and get America’s Greatest Legacy, as I’m sure my brother will do so. He wasn’t addicted to it, like I was until after the Shattered Timelines campaign finished. I’ll let him know… although he probably has already read this thread, as he posts here far more regularly then I do.