Where are all the "How To Fix Chrono-Ranger" topics?

Chrono-ranger does very little damage with his one-at-a-time damage abilities, only really does more when he's buffed by a team mate or if he manages to get a bounty on a single target at a time, and doesn't do a whole lot else besides the pew pew.  I'm curious to hear if the people who think that Mr. Fixer is so woefully underpowered that he desperately needs fixing have the same opinion of Chrono-ranger.  Is it just that he's so new that we haven't seen a wave of "How To Fix Chrono-Ranger" topics yet?

Masadah alone makes him way more impressive than Fixer.

Better hope you draw that one card then, eh? ;)

Masadah only really works if you have more than one bounty out, and there's damage reduction in play.  Any time there's no DR, Compounded Bow or Danny-Boy will be better bets.  And, even then, Danny Boy only works if you have multiple bounties out.  And, what Fixer loses to CR in straight up overall damage, Fixer gains in control and utility–Salvage Yard and Grease Gun are game savers, to which Temporal Grenade is a poor sister.

Mind you, I don't think either CR or Fixer are weak.  Fixer's a perfect "problem solver" and CR does his job of single-target nuking with aplomb.  That said, I have had a game already with CR where I couldn't get a Bounty out to save my life–I had a lot of "Pull a Bounty out of your Trash" cards, but none actually in my trash.  He was still able to contribute, but was absolutely the weak link in that perfect storm of a poor game for him.

The bounties are probably part of it; they're all really good, and he has several ways to search his deck or trash for them. His weapons are great and he can have all of them in play at once, his one-damage riders make up for the low base power, Jim's Hat is a great utility and Hunter and Hunted is just insane. In addition, the pro-Fixer brigade often claim that the dislike of Fixer is because he feels weak. Chrono-Ranger feels awesome.

now I don’t consider fixer weak by any sense of the word, but when cr gets his hat out he can be reliably doing 4 sources of damage a turn. (card card compound bow) With even one bounty out that’s a ton of damage, with the right ones its even more, and with the right teammates… jeezus goodly.

no DR and he can psudo aoe well, with DR he can be stopped until he gets the right +dmg bounty then he’s cutting through again.

Well, look at their overall concepts:

Fixer is a washed up martial artist who runs an auto repair shop.

Chrono Ranger is a time-traveling cowboy with a cybernetic arm.

It's all a matter of perspective…

I do see the similarities, but Chrono Ranger clearly outpaces Fixer.

My main problem with Fixer is once he has a style and a tool in play he has 18 cards in his deck (7 styles, 9 tools, and 2 meditations) that cannot be played without removing a card from play. He has nothing in his deck that uses these extra cards in hand. In response to the complaint that nearly half his deck loses value after turn 2, the only argument that Fixer lovers put forth is that he is a zen character.

CR doesn't limit how many bounties or equipment can be in play.

Fixer has some neat cards. CR has some neat cards. Fixer has a neat theme. CR has a neat theme. Fixer limits cards in play. CR doesn't.

Chrono Ranger wins.

CR can search for Equipment. Fixer cannot.

Chrono Ranger wins.


i would agree, but people tend to dislike Expat aswell, and her theme is awesome.


My theory is that Chrono has two search, you heard it right folks, TWO SEARCH CARDS!!! He also has a draw card, though it relies on other heroes to make it effective, but who really cares about that because the only time a hero needs help to be even better is a bad thing is when it comes to Rook City Heroes. Such is the case with Legacy, he isn't so awesome by himself and relies on other people, but who cares about that? Right? Right? Anyways back onto Chrono, he does have a bounty that allows himself to draw a card if that target leaves play, unless he takes out the target on his own he's relying on others again…


They need a deck where someone has 20 Search Cards, 10 Draw Cards, the rest cards that do stuff. People would eat that hero up…


I think it's a matter of agency.  

With Chrono Ranger, as with many other of the more fiddly heroes, you always feel like there's something that you're working towards.  You're either pulling bounties from your deck (or trash), or you're relic fishing as Nightmist or you're pairing up songs with instruments as AA .  There's a finite goal set before you, and you work towards that goal.

Someone made the analogy of Fixer being the "janitor" of the F5, in that he ends up doing the thankless jobs that no one else wants to do or can do, and I think that's fitting.  He doesn't take many cards to be effective, he can discard his hand at any point and still function admirably, and he can shift between tanking, crowd control, and support with a single card's swap.  

No hero can do everything, nor are they supposed to.  But where other Heroes have a finite "these are the cards you want out" build, he flows with the situation and does the thing tha needs to be done, while everyone else is pursuing their own goals.

The complaints that are voiced about Fixer these days are that he has limited card draw, no way to search for his Tools, and no guarantee that he will have the Tool he needs for the job.


Chrono has "Just Doin' My Job", Displaced Armory, Jim's Hat, Bounty Board, Ranger's Mark, Sudden Contract, and Eye on the Prize.  He also can deal multiple instances of low damage that can be buffed by Bounties and Hunter and Hunted, while Fixer can typically only deal damage twice in one turn (through a Charge and Strike, modified by whatever Tools and Styles he has in play).


I don't quite understand the comparison you're making.

As to the comparison between CR and Fixer, I'll go to my usual answer: They are both interesting heroes that do completely different things and play in completely different ways. I don't compare them because I play them for different reasons. (And thoroughly enjoy them both!) :sunglasses:

However, I did want to respond to something j1hopki1 mentioned (emphasis is mine).

I'm not going to say you're wrong, j1hopki1 (as it's your opinion and you're welcome to have it! :slightly_smiling_face: ), but there are a variety of reasons I've heard brought up. The type of character ("zen") is definitely one of them, as is the ability to change his approach (e.g., tool and/or style) based on the situation as the game evolves (which contradicts j1hopki1's assertion that half his deck loses value after turn 2, but I think that's just a difference of opinion/experiences with Fixer), but I think the fundamental reason is that the hero was designed specifically to play in this way - it was a game-design decision. (I.e, if you're going to play Fixer, don't expect Tachyon.  :wink: )

In my opinion, one of the best things about SotM is there are so many different kinds of heroes that we will always have a hero to play, no matter what we're looking for. Fixer fits a specific slot in that collection - and he fits it well.

Chrono does obscene amounts of damage - definitely more than Fixer, in most situations - but damage reduction can cause him serious heartache. If I'm going up against a villain with damage reduction, I'm more likely to pick Fixer than CR, but there are other factors (like my mood) that will finalize the decision of which hero I choose.

just try CR against Advanced Voss. And /cry/

Its stupid easy to get a plethora of bounties, Masadah, Danny Boy, and Compound bow out.

What does this mean?

High single target damange, solid AoE damage, and a great double tap. He can alternate between the few Because he has them all out. He doesn't need to shift forms, he can just switch powers.


I readily and willingly  concede Fixer's lack of overall damage compared to CR.  I said as much up-thread.   Outside of a situation where Fixer can Jack Handle 10 or so targets at once, CR is always going to out-damage Fixer.   But CR is fragile, with not a single card that contributes to his defense, and only Temporal Grenade providing any bit of control.

Compare that to Pipe Wrench, Riveting Crane style, Grease Gun and more in Fixer's arsenal.  Fixer has CR dead to rights in both personal and group defense and control elements.

I also question the people who are complaining about Fixer's lack of card draw.  Toolbox effectively can let you draw 3 cards every turn for the remainder of the game, while still using powers.  If you don't have at least some worthwhile play option after two turns of Toolbox, you're probably overthinking the situation.

How is it overthinking the situation if you draw multiple Meditations and a second Grease Monkey Fist when you still haven't drawn a Tool the entire game?


And yes, Fixer has much better Tools for those categories.  When he can actually get them when he needs them.

Again, I think the difference is that with Chrono Ranger, you at least have the chance of taking control of your own deck with its multiple avenues of search and draw.  With Fixer, you hope for the right Tool with Toolbox and hope for the best.  Hell, you hope you even draw a Tool in the first place.  The issue voiced with Fixer seems to be a lack of reliability that none of the other characters outright dependent on Ongoing/Equipment cards have.

I've played multiple games with Chrono Ranger, and in most of those games I was pretty set up by Round 2 or 3. With Fixer, I have to get a perfect hand to be perfectly set up by that time. Like other people have mentioned, Chrono has a lot of ways to search for equipment cards and bounty cards. He also has a lot of cards that allow him to draw and play other cards. It's very easy to see why his innate power is one damage. I have played two games with him where he was easily doing 14 damage to the villain every round.

Theres also the brilliant tactic of spamming the "draw 3 cards" bounty to have a TON of cards.

I think the big thing is that it's easier to have an awesome game with Chrono than it is with Fixer. I like Fixer, and I understand why his supporters love him, but from what I've observed the people who love Fixer, love him because they played at least one game where they had the right tool and style and were able to just unload and just have complete control for the entire game. It's hard to love a hero you don't have an awesome experience with, and I think when it comes to Chrono Ranger, the amount of cards he has to search for and retrieve important bounties and equipment from the trash, and the cards that allow him to draw extra cards just make it more likely for players to have that awesome I'm a hero game.