Hey, folks! For those who might enjoy hearing a bit about what’s going on here at Origins …
We have been fighting the daunting DOCTOR DISORGANIZATION!
Origins for some reason thought there were two separate booths – one for Greater than Games, then another for Sentinels of the Multiverse. Then they gave us too many chairs. Then they took all of our chairs. Then some cool people at the Catalyst booth let us use some of their chairs. Then those chairs got taken. Then the cool people at Catalyst gave us some more chairs. Then all of Catalyst’s chairs got taken! We spent a lot of time fighting the chair wars. In the end, the evil chair fiends were thwarted … for now.
We had the booth set up early and proceeded to do some playtesting there. That attracted some nice attention from the convention staff and other exhibitors. All of the decks are playing really well. Christopher has done a few small tweaks to them, particularly to Apostate, as he moves towards finalizing them. A short while ago we finished a game of Unity, Argent Adept, and Bunker versus Apostate in the Tomb of Anubis. It was a thrilling nail biter that came down to the wire.
Christopher, aside from leading the setup, dealing with the chair fiends, and running the playtests, has also been making connections – talking to retailers, reviewers, and other designers. He has been a very, very busy man. Even now he’s down at the hotel business center doing more work.
The booth looks awesome and there’s a lot of buzz about the game. I am expecting we’ll be mobbed. Which should
be interesting given that we have very few Core games to sell. We’re hoping people will be placated with pre-orders of Enhanced Edition.
Signing off for now. I’ll try to post further installments, as time allows.