One of the most common powers in super-hero stories is the power to fly, which has almost no bearing on SofM. I was wondering if there was any word on how could, and who couldn’t fly in the multiverse. Here are my thoughts, presented mostly as a starting point:
Absolute Zero: - Thermodynamics battlesuit. Either flies on a jet of fire, or does the ice-slide thing
Ra: A god. Either flies directly, or has a chariot or sky boat.
Tempest: Super Hero Types who generally fly – Aliens, and Weather Controllers.
Visionary: Telekinetic flight
Argent Adept: Big billowy cloak demands flying, and gentle touchdowns to Dubstep.
Omnitron X: Cosmic Omnitron flew. Seems like Exie would keep that upgrade
Flipped Baron Blade: Battlesuits generally fly.
Citizen Dawn:
Grand Warlord Voss: Battlesuit or alien. Either way
Matriarch: Dominant, predatory, flightless birds are so 62 million years ago. Cloak propels her at 20 knots, the speed of an unladen European Swallow.
Gloomweaver: Demon of nightmares. He flies because we don’t don’t don’t want him to
La Capitan: Little Anti-grav harnesses borrowed here or there.