Who would you choose?

Meanwhile a fan seems to have created a randomizer, which needs to be updated to include Rook City but still.


Personally I use the same technique I used in Arkham Horror… I have those oversized health counter cards, so I give everyone 2 or 3 and have them choose one. That is random…ish, but with some choice.

Unless playing with new people (In which case they choose first and we fill in with what will be useful/ provide a fun game) or playtesting (when we’ll often want to see how certain characters interact) I choose by whose play style I feel like playing that game. Frequently Tachyon at this point for me, though I’m pretty partial to Expatriette, too, and The Argent Adept is probably going to be added to that list as well.

If I were to put together a team purely for thematic fun I’d probably go with Tachyon, Haka, The Argent Adept, and Young Legacy. They’re the Bounciest team around!

With all the new heroes and villains not being in that randomizer, I’ll probably just end up making some index cards with names on them and shuffling them around to pick. Then, of course, I’ll start getting those weird non-sensical combinations (Spite on Mars, etc.) Not sure how I’m gonna feel about that. But it’ll still be fun, I’m sure. Maybe I’ll just stick to randomizing heroes, actually. I wouldn’t feel right playing against villains who are clearly in an impossible environment. Call me boring, but Chairman will always be in Rook City. Spite and Matriarch can be in Megalopolis too. Spite and Plague Rat can be in Pike, obviously. Just things that make sense. I gotta do it! I gotta have some sense somewhere!

And recently, I think I’ve always been playing as the nemesis of whatever villain we’re facing. My friends think I’m crazy since I take so much damage and usually die first, but nemeses are fun.

Once my friends and I played against Plague Rat at Wagner Mars Base. Mars bases have sewers, too. ;D

Wouldn’t Chairman Pike also make sense in Pike Industries? Really, there is always some story you could make up to make any villain make sense at any location. Well, almost anyway.

Sounds like people like that randomizer and are bummed that it hasn’t been updated. I’ll see if I can find time to duplicate it this weekend with updated heroes/villains/environments. If I do, I’ll post a link to it on the forums.

I would have to say that, given no knowledge of what environment or villain I was facing, I would bring:

Ra, Mr. Fixer, Tempest, and Legacy.

Ra for direct damage when we need it. Fixer for irreducible damage and work-arounds, Tempest for AoE and healing, and Legacy for support and tanking.

I’ll join the throng that says random, since I always set up a random team when playing alone, and always pick a random hero when playing with others. You really find cool interactions and teams working that way. In fact, I have that randomizer bookmarked and I use it all the time. I was going to be sad to see it go, since I’m getting Rook City soon. I would love to see it updated.

Evandan, just embrace the random. Seriously, most teams work. All villain and environment combinations have something to offer gameplay. You can always come up with a explanation of how it happened because, comics. For instance, Spite on Mars? Sombody on these forums pointed out that that the Wagner Mars Base could simply be a space colony. So he’s infiltrated it and started killing the citizens. You must stop him!

And if you insist on fighting the Chairman only in Rook City… have you ever beaten him? Really, why can’t he decide to take on the world from his new base in Atlantis?

For something completely blind, I would take my favourites. If I’m going down, I want to be happy while doing it.

Visonary, Fanatic, Ra, and Tempest. I would love for Haka to join, but he’ll have to wait until next time.

I frequently run games for my local gaming organization, so I tend to pick heroes that fill holes in the team since a lot of players I play with are all beginners that have only played a few games.

In my two fairly consistent gaming groups though I’m a member of the teeming forumites and pick randomly.

We beat him once. Just the once, though. We’ve never tried him since, mainly because everyone (including me) is busy.

Fine. I’ll mix it up, just for you guys. Random villain on random environment, no matter how strange the combination is. This is gonna hurt my brain…

thats my dream-team. high five! Though I waffle between Fanatic and Tachyon. Both are incredibly good characters. But I think most permutations of those five make an exceptionally strong and versatile team.

Well, if we’re going in completely blind…

Well, am I considering this as if they are actual, existing heroes, or me and my friends playing the game? because that could change some things.

My friend Kris ALWAYS plays AZ or Tempest, for instance. Fanatic and Visionary were awesome before they nerfed Wrest the Mind and Chastise.

I’d probably pick Legacy (maybe Young Legacy, but I haven’t seen how she plays.) to go first.
Visionary is great for controlling the environment and helping draw cards.
For the last ones, I’d go with one of the following pairs:
AZ for crowd control and Ra for nuke damage, or
Tempest for crowd control and Fixer just because he’s awesome.

I would definitely take Haka and Tempest because they are always good.  After that I'm not sure, likely Legacy and Ra I guess.

My group usually generates five or six random heros, then we roll to see what order we choose in and pick 4 of the six available.


Against an unknown foe?  Difficult choice...

My first pick would have to be Wraith.  She can alternate between dealing damage and controlling Environment/Villain decks with ease, based on whatever's needed at the time.  Improvised Invention is simply unparalleled, and the utility of Infrared Eyepiece is well-documented.

My second pick would be Nightmist.  Between her ability to redirect damage and lay down pure carnage with Oblivion and Heedless Lash, she can easily cover the damage-dealer role.  Plus, Mistbound could easily keep the villain's deck locked down while the others get set up.

Next, I'd go with Visionary.  Again, it's all about deck control.  When dealing with an unknown force, the ability to find just the right card at just the right time is critical.  Plus, she can tank with Decoys and TK Cocoon.

Finally, we need crowd-control.  And, while I'm tempted to go with Tempest, he always seems to end up on the frail side for me, even when getting his -damage card out.  And, between Nightmist and Visionary, I'm hesitant to have a third hero so heavily invested in Ongoing cards.  As such, I'd give the crowd control role to Expatriette.  Assault Rifle loaded with Hollow Points will keep minions at bay, to say nothing of her single-target output with Tactical Shotgun.


If I was allowed to toss in a 5th hero, it'd always be Legacy.  He could easily tank for the other 4, while simultaneously providing his massive buffs.  If I wanted to keep the all-female team, I could even potentially go with Young Legacy.  

Legacy, Tempest, Fixer, Adept

Simply put, the versatility of this team has proven itself time and time again for me, Tempest can really fit into any role, healer, tank, damage or support. Fixers abaility to damage and restore equipment is amazing, Legacy is prety much a damage sponge, and Adept it quite capable of keeping the foe shut down or helping heros get just what they need, plus he can help heal where needed.

I like the combo of Legacy and Ra if you need a lot of damage dealt - those two kick arse, especially in Insula Primalis. In fact, our go-to game for "oh sod it, let's just have some easy fun" is that very set-up against Akash'Bhuta (with whoever as the third hero).

I usually shuffle the hero character cards to do random.

It's not clear if you are asking for a team that I'd have the most fun playing (random) or a team that would be most likely to win regardless of the villain.

For most likely to win I'd go with Legacy, Tempest, Visionary, and Tachyon. I think there's a lot of good combos there. Reclaim from the Deep and Light Speed Barrage comes to mind.

Legacy, Nightmist, Tempest and Argent Adept is the team that has the greatest chance of locking down the Villain so they never get to play a card.

Although I love going random on things, I still have some heroes that I love using, so here they are in turn order:


First is Argent Adept. Perhaps the most ubiquitus support hero, Argie does it all. Ya need card draw? He's got it. Ya need damage boosting? got it covered. Off turn card playing? Already there! ongoing/ environment destruction? Blammo! True, he's limited to what he can draw, but he can always make it work. A good first turner. Just don't ask him to be the primary damage dealer...


Secondly would be visionary. Like manipulating the Villian Deck? Like drawing lots of cards for the team? Like stealing damage dealers from the other side? Well, then Mrs. X will make it so!


Thirdly would be Mr. Fixer. Sure, he can be a bit swingy, and he's not usually the MVP of any battle, but if the enemy has any sort of damage reduction, lots of ? Well, then you'll be glad you brought the fixer. He's got a tool for every task, and like his namesake, will even any odds!


And last but not least would be Absolute Zero (Freedom Six edition). Whow else would be the recipient of all the buffs. I like the Freedom Six version because some enviorments completly nerf the regular version. The Dystopian future AbZero doesn't have as much HP can can't be quite as flashy, but he gets the job done!


Those are my choices. I really like supports, and if I knew I would not be facing any sort of massice damage, I would replace Visionary with Unity, but that's just me.