Who's Yer Con 2012

I just found out that Who’s Yer Con is taking place March 2-4. I’ll be attending March 3, and I plan to bring my copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse, as well as the finalized versions of three of the villians from Rook City (as well as prerelease versions of the two environments, should I not forget about them). Anyone in the Greater Indianapolis Area I would hope to come check this out (especialy I’m looking at arenson9 and Rabit here).

I tried to host a Sentinels of the Multiverse event, but the hosting registration seems a bit complicated.

2930 Waterfront Parkway West Drive, Indianapolis, IN

There’s a slim chance I’ll come by today, but only a slim one. First exercise, then taxes, then if I’m in time I want to see the movie about making games (http://www.boardgamemovie.com
) at 2pm.

Taxes schmaxes, I’m going to the con!

Looking forward to hearing how it went! My week did not go well, so I needed the weekend to recover. :-\


Fun stuff. Played Sentinels with Jeff and others in a variety of combinations. Spread the word of the Rook city game days. Confirmed the day/time at Arsenal and made connections with the IUPUI Gamers Guild and the a group in Kokomo who manage the GenCon games library.

The con had over 700 people at it and was lots of fun – tons of planned and spur of the moment games going on.

The main reason I went was to see the movie Going Cardboard (http://www.boardgamemovie.com/), which I very much enjoyed. Wow is Essen big – over 100,000 board gamers. GenCon may have 30,000 attendees (or somesuch), but less than half are there for the boardgaming. Essen is TEN TIMES AS BIG and the winner of best game of the year gets photographed by the Associated Press and put in papers across Germany the next day. The designer of Dominion looked shell shocked as he was brought up on stage to receive his award and be photographed.

Question from our gaming today:

We were playing against the Matriarch (using the ‘final’ playtest cards) in the Pike Industrial Complex. The Matriarch has a card that pulls all of the fowl out of the trash and puts them in play. Pike has a card that reduces all targets’ HP by 1. Since the fowl each have 1 HP, would this cause an endless loop of fowl coming into play, being destroyed, and thus being in the trash to be pulled back into play, etc.?

Good question!

All of the Fowl cards in the Trash would be put into play. Full stop. Then, they would all be reduced to 0 HP, sending them all back to the Trash. Whew!

Infinite loops are scary!


How would you generalize this ruling, though? At the risk of creating a strawman, we might generalize it by saying, “The effects of a sentence on a card are resolved before any affects from other cards are applied”. That would enable all the Fowl cards in the Trash to be put into play before any of the Fowl cards have their HP reduced by the environment card.

Unfortunately, that goes against how we do things for other cases. Consider for example Haka using his Taiaha power:

Power: Haka deals up to 2 targets 3 melee damage each"

Haka doesn’t deal the damage and THEN check for modifiers. In fact, we not only check for modifiers before determining the result of the attack, we check for modifiers on the first attack before even deciding whether or not there will be a second attack.

To get around this problem of modifiers (reduce HP to 0) being applied to each Fowl as it is brought into play one at a time, we might bolster our strawman by deciding that the wording of the Darken the Skies card is such that all of the Fowl are brought into play as a single event. This, however, goes against how we handle other cards, such as End of Days, for which we are allowed to choose the order of the cards destroyed and thus the order of any effects that are triggered by their destruction. Darken the Skies and End of Days both use similar terminology (‘Put all …’; ‘destroy all …’).

If there’s a set of existing rules or a new rule that could accommodate Darken the Skies working the way it should w/out breaking how other things work, great! If not, perhaps a small bit of errata on Darken the Skies to say that fowl can only be brought out of the trash once per turn is in order.

ALSO, please rest assured that in terms of how I’d actually play this, I’m not worried at all. Christopher’s ruling is what I would think makes sense, intuitively and I would (and did) play it that way. I’m drawn towards the vision of crafting a set of rules that handle every situation because I like that sort of thing and because I think having more clarity will be helpful at times, but the game is great as is.

I’ve been thinking about the other side of that. Normally, when a card is doing some action, if it gets destroyed before it can finish it’s action, the rest of the action is cancelled. E.g. if a minion attacks all, if attacking one hero causes a counter attack defeating the minion, he no longer attacks anyone else since his attack is canceled.
given a villian or global max HP reduction, if a 1 HP fowl target (now 0 HP target) comes into play, the target has 0 HP, and gets destroyed before being able to have it’s effect applyed, thus would not have it’s effect applied when played (would still have it’s effect when destroyed though). Is this correct?

As far as a way to avoid the Darken the Sky infinite loop while not having to change any cards, it can be stated that a single occurance of an action cannot affect the same card multiple times (unless otherwise stated). Currently, no actions are able to do so (unless stated otherwise, and I’m not sure if there are any) so that’s a simple way to fix that.

I’m kinda surprised this issue hadn’t come up during playtesting. After all, both cards in question come from Rook City.

Eh, this kind of thing is not abnormal. You wouldn’t believe the kinds of interactions Wizards put out in the earlier days of Magic (or heck, just some of the cards, themselves), and they had far more eyes on their cards. 8)


Ya, I know, I was there in the earlier days. :frowning: