One thing to consider when comparing Legacy and Fixer is Legacy relies on others for his Galvanize to be good, correct? So you could say the same thing about Fixer's strike. The mind set is that Legacy increases damage which is generally a fairly awesome thing, but what if teamed up with with a few heroes who are not able to deal damage right off the bat? In that situation Galvanize probably will end up only doing 1 extra point of damage to 1 target, it's not any better than Strike at that point. Granted if there is reduction is invovled than sure it's slightly better, but the point is they both rely on others to make their innate useful in the beginning. Sure Legacy doesn't run into the lack of damage dealing heroes too often as most heroes are actaully of damage dealing nature.
I for one am perfectly fine Fixer not having any search cards for him equipment cards, as that would lower the amount of other cards he has and what would we want to get rid of? Toolbox is fine by me, after all it allows him to move into his deck a lot faster than normal. If it was just a search card for tools than what will he play on his turns when he doesn't want to replace a tool or a style? It allows him to get into his deck and get any card faster. Having search cards are nice, but why have a search card for every single hero? Where's the difficulty in that if half your deck gives you ways to get something into play? Absolute Zero has a search card, but oddly there are just as many people complaing about him as there are Fixer, so if Fixer did have one for tools who says they still wouldn't find something to complain about him? Also if he did then his tools probably wouldn't go back to hand when playing another tool, and honestly that would lock him into the same style and tool everyone round unless he happened to have a Salvage Yard he's saving to retrieve them.
Now on the topic of Salvage Yard, that is probably one of the best supporting cards in the game. Devasting Aurora, Technological Singularity, Pervasive Red Dust, Devious Disruption, Mass Overheating, Pterodactyl Thief, or some other card destroyed all of Wraith's, NightMist's, Haka's, Expatriette's, Bunker's, Argent Adept's, or/and Absolute Zero's equipment? Have no fear Salvage Yard brings it all back into your hand, plus the added bonus of using Overdrive for at least a total of 2 points of damage. Now sure it may not be much, but have you even had a game that ended with the villian at less than 5 health? I know I have and it is just awful. Then Grease Gun will help prevent a lot of damage if can be used at the right time, saving the heroes from a mass beating from Gene-Bound minions, danagerous band of Citizens, and even a bunch of backlash damage from the death of a lot of fowls.
Finally Fixer may take a little to set-up but his damage is able to by pass a lot of other heroes damages or at least equal it.
- Grease Monkey Fist and Dual Crowbars = Taiha, infact he can choose the type so can get passed immunites to certain types of attacks or take advantage of increases to certain damage *cough*leaking room*cough*
- Grease Monkey Fist and Jack Handle = Grevious Hailstorm, plus still taking advantage of the lovely type changing.
- Driving Mantis and Pipe Wrench = Synaptic Interuption, plus it is nice for heroes to bounce attacks off of to deal more damage to a single target.
- Driving Mantis and Dual Crowbars = Pride and Prejudice, if it is a single target in play he can bounce his second hit off himself to hit that target.
- Driving Mantis and Hoist Chain = Stun Bolt and... Not sure, it may not kill much but he can't get hit with the first attack that is 2 or less and he can reduce damage dealt by a target by 1.
- Altering Tiger Claw and Tire Iron = Wrathful Gaze/Sucker Punch and nothing else as other heroes can't deal consistant Irreducible damage. Very helpful against pesky reduction!
- Riveting Crane and Dual Crowbars/Pipe Wrench = Once again nothing does what this style does, but the only draw back is he has to hit the target to do anything about it.
Most cases it takes an additional card to pull off, but it also features a secondary effect that adds that much more to the attack. Now I would type up the uses for every combination, but sadly I don't feel like sitting here and typing a "How to" on Mr. Fixer.
On a final note, the comment about Fixer using the right tool for whatever job, sure he can't do it every turn, but he will be able to do it at some point.
One more thing, as I forget to mention it in my entire post is Fixer isn't really a main damage dealer, sure he can do it if need be, but he is perfectly content being minion control. Not to mention an awesome power all heroes have is to not play or use a power to draw an additional power. So if 1 damage is not good enough and you truly don't have a style or tool you want to use than hopefully drawing 2 will pull you in the right direction.