This might be a long post.. =p.
I took a step back for a moment today, I probobly came down a bit hard on lollocrox, and some others in recent threads. So first; an apology to anyone I might have annoyed/offended or provoked over the past week or so, but especially to lollocrox, the stuff I wrote wasn't the kind of thing to say to welcome a new player. But kudos to you for being such a champ and making me think twice.
So as most of you probably know, I have my opionions about certain characters. I feel Fixer, Bunker, and Expatreitte specifically, are quite weak compared to the other heroes. Up until recently I would include Absolute Zero in that list, but I feel that Elemental Wrath Zero fixes that nicely. Engine Of War Bunker, while interesting and a step in the right direction, doesn't make Bunker a lot more viable in my opionion, so he remains on the list. That's probably not going to change anytime soon.
But that's not really important to this post. What's important is that I've been a bit too agressive in asserting my opinion. I do it because in whatever game I play I see an issue. Why didn't they do it this way? Why didn't they do it that way? Even my favorite games tend to have some little thing that annoys me. I hate house-ruling things, I only do it when I feel its absolutely necessary to maintain the fun of the game. I feelt it was necessary to include the previous line because it preempts responses such as "well why dont you just play it the way you want to?". That's why. On occasion I will try something, but I prefer to play a game the way the creators intended.
So why is Sentinels different than the rest of the games where I dislike one thing or another? Well, because I have an opportunity to make a difference. I'm a playtester, but even if I wasn't, I know the designers read the forums and at least consider what is said there. I've even had a few of my ideas make it onto cards in some way shape or form. That's not what I'm used to, I mean that is just awesome. Not just me, of course, I mean it's awesome that the designers are really listening to the community in a way that I think is pretty unique to SoTM. For all my hundreds of Arkham Games, despite posting on the FFG forums at least as much as I do on this one in the past, and having met Kevin Wilson (the designer) in person, I'm not going to influence the next Arkham Horror expansion.... but I just might do that for SotM.
So you can see where this is going, if I see a problem -or what I percieve to be a problem- and I feel like I *can* fix it, then I feel like I should try. I was not a playtester for Rook City, and I wish I had been. I wish I'd have had a chance to give my input on Expatriette and Fixer. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have the problems I have with them now. I was a playtester for IR, but I didn't playtest too extensively. For ST, I've not done too much with the villains or environments, but I've playtested the hell out of the new heroes, and I'm happy to say that both of them are amazing.
Hm... getting a little off-track here... To fold things back in with the title, I come down pretty hard on people sometimes for defending Bunker/Expatriette/Fixer, especially if I can't see a good reason for them to do so other than that they like the character. I'm trying to approach things from an objective standpoint, so the coolness of the character does not factor in, and it worries me that others do not see the inherent flaws that I do. It worries me because I want the game to grow and improve, and I want each expansion to be better than the one before it. What I don't want is a huge disparity between heroes to the point where some heroes are left in the box and forgotten. And I feel the same about villains.
Villian digression: I'm not a huge fan of the RC villians. Matriarch is a bit too random for me, in my experience if she draws Huginn and Muninn quickly (on advanced) it's gg, no re. There's practically no way to stop her at that point. Chairman is a remarkable case of making the villian HARDER but not more challenging. This is why I don't like to play him. He's very difficult, which is something that appeals to me, but he's only difficult because of insane amount of damage that comes out of his minions. Between that and Prison Break, it's very difficult to tactically eliminate threats as a player. Experienced players and n00bs have a pretty equal chance against him, which is to say, not much. He's just striaght up hard, and there's not a lot of strategy or clever play that can save you. Plague Rat I love and I feel he is RC's saving grace. Spite's effective invlunerability until flipside makes him a little dull to play against and falls into the same trap as Chairman: there's not much strategy will do for you here. You either have the ability to hit hard enough when he flips, or you don't. By contrast, most of the IR villians are great. Gloomweaver is the worst villain in the game by far (he's just awful) but Ennead, Apostate, and Akash-Bhuta are all really fun to play against.
The point is, I get worried because I would like more heroes to be strong, solid heroes. When people say Exp. is fine, or Fixer is good, that makes me cringe because I see problems in those characters, problems I would not like repeated. The problems/mistakes of Rook City; the expansion to make the game harder (but not with more depth). It also bugs me when somebody comes to the forum and complains that Fixer or Exp. or Zero is weak (it's always one of those three) and they are imidiately rebuffed and it's suggested that with the right play these heroes are as good as any other, where I feel that even with the right play they are still weak compared to another hero controlled by a player of equal skill. So that's why I've been a little... direct, when talking about certain heroes. So again, lollocrox, lynkfox, SoundofTrees, sorry for dismissing your opinons of off-handedly. It came from a good place (out of enthusiasm for the game) but it was still very petty.