Why no healers?

Adam is a living, merciful god who gives his worshipers what they want. Praise him.

I was browsing the old forum posts, and found this old gem. Looks like they found a way to make a healer after all! The progression of Dr. Medico is really cool...

Starting as just Medico in 2011, the theoretical being of made of healing energy.


Released as Dr. Medico, three years later in 2014 as part of The Sentinels! Part of their bio reads: "Nick called himself “Dr. Medico”, which Jackson thought was a dumb name." I wonder if that happened in real life too.


Dr. Medico trains at Ft. Adamant


And becomes a member of the Void Guard!


And finally, we get Doctor Medico: Malpractice.


It also seems poetic that the some of Medico's first and last reveals are sketches:



(Looked over the rules, could not see anything about bringing back old threads.)

There are none – you're fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

Excellent find!

Glad you found this and brought it back to the forum's attention.

This makes me think that Malpractice won't be a dedicated healer after all =)

I imagine he's just gonna kinda phone in the healing, no dedication at all.

I have a healer I created that is on the bgg website. He is not bad. 


Power: 1 target regains 2 HP, then Doctor Medico deals that target 2 psychic damage. Doctor Medico’s player spends the remainder of this round in court.

To be fair, while dedicated healers are a common character class/type in RPGs and videogames, they're really rare in comic books.  There are lots of comic book heroes with personal healing/regenerative powers and a bunch of who can heal others as a minor secondary secondary power, but almost no main characters whose primary power is that of healing others.  So to me, the lack of a Healer felt right in a game that's simulating a comic book world.

I always thought there are no healers so that the games end quicker. When you can just heal all the damage the enemy does but don't do enough damage yourself then the game runs long and loses excitement. 

It's cool to have healing, and even a character that qualifies as an at least somewhat dedicated healer, but I am glad the game is not designed around needing healing.

I could see him having a time-limited version of Hippocratic Oath, where his damage is converted to healing for a round.

I'm going to quote this first because I thinkg that this is a very valid reason and as you say, it is the main reason for the decision.

This part I would really like to point out is strictly opion.  I think every game I've ever started from D&D to WoW I've wanted to play a healer and people use this argument to try to get me to play something else.  "Healing is WoW isn't dynamic, you just stare at health bars the whole time" etc, etc.  However, for my personal preference those people have been wrong in every instance.  I LOVE playing a healer, and I have little desire to be a damage dealer, I like to support.  It didn't take me long in either of my example games to switch to a healing and stick with it.  Now whenever someone says that I just say "not in everyones opinion" and make a healer anyway.