I just watched Wil Wheaton's hangout that he had on 12-16-12:
Is that SotM over his left shoulder?
I just watched Wil Wheaton's hangout that he had on 12-16-12:
Is that SotM over his left shoulder?
Looks like it!
Really hope for a SOTM episode of table top :)
Does look pretty close to the bottom
I believe WW has stated that it doesn't work well for the show, whatever that means. However, he also said in the same breath that he really likes it and wishes it would.
Yeah, I think Will tweeted that in response to one of his friend messaging him about putting it on the show. I think it was someone that was playing with arenson. Actually, I could see it not working well on a TV show because theywould have to focus in and explain the text of each card in order for a viewer to follow the game.
I had also heard, and this is base rumor and speculation, that they'd filmed all of season one pretty much at once and there weren't any immediate plans for season 2. I could be wrong, but I read it on the internet, so it's gotta be true.
I think season 2 is what's playing right now.
He also said 7 wonders will not work for tabletop in their world tabletop day video.
But… but… the internet… It never lies…
They did mention it which is why they didn't explain much of 7 wonders when they were playing it.
Though I believe they are doing smash up which seems to me similar style to SOTM. Though I could see him required to explain how each Hero working for the guest might be more work.
I was the one that mentioned that they filmed everything at once and didn't plan on making a second season. They fimled 2 episodes a day until all the filming was done, then the editted them and released them 2 weeks apart. They only recently announced a second season right before they released the first show (they couldn't say anything before then). So I was wrong about them not having a second season (which is great).