Will there be a Fiddle Promo?

In the lore, Akash'bhuta broke the Fiddle which belonged to the previous Virtuoso of the Void, which meant that the previous Virtuoso of the Void had the Fiddle in addition to the current set of instruments.

And we've seen that classes of cards in a hero deck may be manifested as a power, see Haka of Knowledge.

So, I'm saying we may see a Promo Virtuoso of the Void who is the owner of the Fiddle and the Fiddle is the name of his power. And it'll do an awesome Perform/Accompany combo unseen yet.

That would be interesting. Though I think it would be neat if it was the accompany text of any card, though it would make a first turn Melodies useless.

I would love some AA promo stuff AA is by a massive margin my favourite
Also maybe the next AA? could be cool, like a guitar or some such?

I'd be keen to see a mini-deck with a new piece of equipment for each Hero:  something that you could just drop into each deck and leave there, but with an expansion symbol to signify that it's not part of the core deck.

Some ideas, perhaps:

Bunker--Plasma Cannon--Power:  Discard 1 card.  Deal 1 target 5 Energy damage.

Expatriette--Carbine--Power:  Deal 1 target 2 projectile damage and draw a card.

Absolute Zero--Exhaust Ventilator--Each time you deal a target cold damage, that target also takes 1 fire damage.  Power:  Destroy this card.  Absolute Zero takes 4 cold damage.

Wraith--Escrima Sticks--Power:  Deal one target 2 melee damage and another player may draw a card.

Ra--Headpiece of the Sun--Reduce all damage Ra takes from villain targets by 1.

ChronoRanger--StimPatch--Power:  ChronoRanger and one other Hero Target regain 3 hit points.

Fixer--Sledgehammer-- +3 damage, Fixer may not draw cards during his Draw phase.

Nightmist--Chains of Carcosa--Power:  Discard one card.  Nightmist takes * damage, equal to the * of the discarded card.  Choose one non-character villain target.  That target is shuffled back into the villain deck.

Omnitron X--Temporal Locator Collar--Place this card in front of an ally.  At the start of OX's turn, that ally may either draw a card or use a power.  Discard this card if the person it is attached to takes 5 or more damage in a single turn.

Legacy--Paul's Lantern--Whenever you draw a card, one other Hero of your choice may draw a card as well.

Fanatic--St. Andrew's Scourge--Power:  Deal 1 target 1 melee damage.  Fanatic regains 2 hit points.

Haka--Hoeroa--Power:  Deal 1 target 5 projectile damage and discard this card.

just some ideas off the top of my head...

Platinum Warlock, those cards sound amazing. I've half a mind to try them out immediately...

Give me a day or two, and I can whip up one for each character and format the text, so that it can be dropped onto a card template.

I'm still brewing ideas for the rest of the characters...

If all the cards from xpac to xpac were the same size and stock that might work. That's not the case unfortunately 


True, but the differences are going to be small.

If sleeved?  Negligible.

Eh--I just think it'd be a cool idea.  Not likely to ever happen, but still! :D

Remember, this printer can’t even cut cards to the same size every print run, I think a micro expansion that adds cards to the deck is not possible. Promo characters are good since they don’t enter the deck.


Call it a fanboy project or what-have-you, but I went ahead and finished a draft of cards:  one for each character currently published.

If you're interested, take a look here:  SotM:  Heroic Arsenal

Note that all of this is totally untested; I literally just finished writing them.  I'd be interested in seeing some feedback!  

These are awesome.

Mechanically the only thing that jumped out at me is that Fixer needs a way to get rid of that card so he can draw again. Normally i know he just plays another tool but can he get one without card draw? Perhaps he can other ways, but it would be against the grain for fixer's deck to get stuck with a certain card set.

Toolbox or other heroes will still allow him to draw.


Also instead of having a section where you have additional information for Expat and Mr. Fixer, wouldn't it make more sense for it to actually be in the effects section as well? It's not like Fixer's tools or Expat's guns have a seperate thing you have to look at to see what they do, it's all listed in the effects of the card.

Warlock, heres some feedback.

Bunkers card would severly devalue flak cannon. Id suggest a supporting type power instead of another damage power as bunkers main glaring weekness (that engine tried to address) was his support cappabilities.

Tachyon already does a lot of instances of small damage. Maybe changing it to straight 2 sonic would be nice especially against opponents who have DR who normally can shut her down early game.

Legacys Lantern. I like the theme of it. The idea is alright, but you could infinity loop yourself and draw your whole deck and would be way too powerful combined with heros like Visionary or Team Leader Tach. Maybe "at the end of your turn, one hero other than yourself may draw a card" would be much more palatlable in terms of power.

Giving fanatic the power to heal that much on a whim worries me and goes against her theme of burning bright and fast. She already has the highest theoretical hitpoints (assuming both aegis's are used). Maybe a oneshot that prevents her from taking damage for a turn? Called it "Declared Sanctuary" with artwork of her meditating in her belltower (did I remember that story bit right?).

Haka's extra damage is way too much. Maybe an additional 1 or 2. But 5? Good god man haha. He already has some massive blows, I doubt he needs another.

I don't hate Ra's card, but I fear giving him DR of anykind would make him too much of a juggernaut that cant be slowed down. Maybe a card that lets him deal irreducible damage for a turn? I could see that fitting very well within his deck.

Wraith having yet another way to draw seems reduntant since her deck searching is top notch in the game already, and Eye Piece is a stable in most games. I can't think of anything I'd give Wraith as she can do just about everything already at a high level. Thats a tough one. Maybe something like "martial arts master" where she redirects melee attacks or something? Im not sold on that idea either though.

Tempest. Already does massive damage when needed. Maybe augment it to "first time deals lightning damage, heal 1 HP". I picture him conjouring a big storm and the rain and whatnot is constantly refreshing him. Just a thought.

I like giving Visionary a little damage boost. But the extra card draw? May not be enough incentive for her to scrap the damage boost. Maybe retooling it to be like "power: search your deck for an ongoing card and put it on top of your deck. destroy this card", still keeping the third eye name.

Another module for AZ? Dont hate that idea either. Chains nicely with on use power with his other cards in play. Nice idea.

Expat having a card draw gun option is a nice suggestion, although I would suggest the draw not be automatic and as a "on hit" sort of effect. Maybe even reduce the damage to 1 as well but keep the auto draw. Something to think about.

A big slow sledge hammer would go against his theme of being a quick and agile martile artist. His art has him holding a broom, so maybe "Broomstick. Equipment tool limited. Whenever Fixer deals damage, destroy an enviroment card". This would give him some MUCH needed support options and keeps in line with his "bring what you need" attitude.

Very interesting Nightmist choice. Although there is very little drawback (if any to be honest) for such a powerful field control ability. Maybe consider discarding 4 (maybe even 5) cards to activate such an ability and forget the damage aspect. Taking damage does not phase her in the least. There needs to be a noticeable drawback.

The Fiddle is always a good choice. Im not sure about the 3 damage part, maybe consider 2, as that would be way too good considering what he can chain with it.

Chrono's stim pack, while a good idea, seems way too powerful. Like, WAY powerful. You turn him from a hootin tootin cowboy basically into a medic, potentially making the rest of his deck subpar. Why use any other power ever? Id consider rethinking this. He already has a healing bounty remember.

Omni X's collar is pretty freakin cool idea. Plus sesseptable to the damage like his other cards, I feel like this is a nice fit.

For Unity, see my OmniX comment, as it applies here as well. Cool concept.

Wow. What a great name for Scholars card based on what it does. Slow clap for you sir. That made my day. Letting him heal on enviro damage *could* potentially tip the scales and make him absolutly unstoppable. Maybe remove the healing aspect? Or replace it with a card draw instead. I like that idea better in a strange way.


Wow. Ok. Thats a lot of type.


Ready for something completely nit-picky? Legacy's card, it say's whenever Legacy draws a card, Legacy never draws cards. At least not in the game, sure maybe when he is playing poker or something he may but that isn't translated into the game at all. However the hero playing Legacy does the card drawing. In other words it should probably be worded "Whenever you draw a card, one other player of your choice may draw a card as well." Again that is being really not-picky!


Also, Fixer could simply play another Tool out of hand.  Mind you, he'd have to already have such a Tool (or draw one via someone else's turn), but he could still get rid of the Sledge fairly easily.  

I do like the idea of Fixer having a "Big, Slow, Wham!" type attack, even though it might deviate a little on the martial arts quickness idea.  For a brawler-type character, he's really lacking for outright damage.  Plus, Sledge could go really well with the "pierce damage reduction" Styles, which tend to suffer as Fixer struggles to get through DR without something upping his damage.

I really appreciate the quick (and really awesome!) feedback.  I'll tinker with some of the card ideas, based on the ideas you guys have put in already.  Awesome stuff.  Foote, man…that's a lot of revision!  I love it!  Thanks! :smiley:

Edit:  Changes made to several powers, based on feedback from above.  Also added:  Bunker–"Taser", Fanatic–"Chalise of the Sacred Heart", Ra–"Quill of Alexandria", Mr. Fixer–"Broomstick".

That's the thing, he isn't a brawler character. He is a field control character. His job his mostly to take down the weaker enemies, especially the ones with damage reduction. He also makes a fairly good tank.


Yeah.  You're right.  It's a misnomer on my part:  brawler in the sense of "I hit things with my fists" moreso than the "I deal tons of damage" sense, I suppose.

Still, when most every character gets some kind of "big nuke"--even Argent Adept gets Cedistic Dissonant--I kind of wanted to see Fixer get a big, slow, smashy attack.  Every fighting game has that sort of guy, right?  And, while the damage is great, it's single-target and comes with a pretty hefty drawback.  Like all of his Tools, the sledge would have its situational uses.  That said, I do like Foote's "Broomstick" as well, which is why I included it in the Excel doc.

I'd change the rug to 'The first time an environment card deals damage each turn', since right now mass-damage versus a minion-heavy villain (or Unity) will instantly net the Scholar a huge pile of cards. Apart from that, these are awesome! :D

Would the lantern be too underpowered if it was changed from  "When you draw a card as part of Legacy's Draw phase, one other Hero of your choice may draw a card as well"


"Once per each players turn, when you draw a card, one other player of your choice may draw a card as well."

Makes it off turn as well keep it awesome but no looping :)

Please read below comment at your own risk

Also I would recommend Artcow they make double sided decks of playing cards, they are a very nice quality ... you would just have to scan the backs of the cards... ummm... I'm starting to feel bad about this