Warlock, heres some feedback.
Bunkers card would severly devalue flak cannon. Id suggest a supporting type power instead of another damage power as bunkers main glaring weekness (that engine tried to address) was his support cappabilities.
Tachyon already does a lot of instances of small damage. Maybe changing it to straight 2 sonic would be nice especially against opponents who have DR who normally can shut her down early game.
Legacys Lantern. I like the theme of it. The idea is alright, but you could infinity loop yourself and draw your whole deck and would be way too powerful combined with heros like Visionary or Team Leader Tach. Maybe "at the end of your turn, one hero other than yourself may draw a card" would be much more palatlable in terms of power.
Giving fanatic the power to heal that much on a whim worries me and goes against her theme of burning bright and fast. She already has the highest theoretical hitpoints (assuming both aegis's are used). Maybe a oneshot that prevents her from taking damage for a turn? Called it "Declared Sanctuary" with artwork of her meditating in her belltower (did I remember that story bit right?).
Haka's extra damage is way too much. Maybe an additional 1 or 2. But 5? Good god man haha. He already has some massive blows, I doubt he needs another.
I don't hate Ra's card, but I fear giving him DR of anykind would make him too much of a juggernaut that cant be slowed down. Maybe a card that lets him deal irreducible damage for a turn? I could see that fitting very well within his deck.
Wraith having yet another way to draw seems reduntant since her deck searching is top notch in the game already, and Eye Piece is a stable in most games. I can't think of anything I'd give Wraith as she can do just about everything already at a high level. Thats a tough one. Maybe something like "martial arts master" where she redirects melee attacks or something? Im not sold on that idea either though.
Tempest. Already does massive damage when needed. Maybe augment it to "first time deals lightning damage, heal 1 HP". I picture him conjouring a big storm and the rain and whatnot is constantly refreshing him. Just a thought.
I like giving Visionary a little damage boost. But the extra card draw? May not be enough incentive for her to scrap the damage boost. Maybe retooling it to be like "power: search your deck for an ongoing card and put it on top of your deck. destroy this card", still keeping the third eye name.
Another module for AZ? Dont hate that idea either. Chains nicely with on use power with his other cards in play. Nice idea.
Expat having a card draw gun option is a nice suggestion, although I would suggest the draw not be automatic and as a "on hit" sort of effect. Maybe even reduce the damage to 1 as well but keep the auto draw. Something to think about.
A big slow sledge hammer would go against his theme of being a quick and agile martile artist. His art has him holding a broom, so maybe "Broomstick. Equipment tool limited. Whenever Fixer deals damage, destroy an enviroment card". This would give him some MUCH needed support options and keeps in line with his "bring what you need" attitude.
Very interesting Nightmist choice. Although there is very little drawback (if any to be honest) for such a powerful field control ability. Maybe consider discarding 4 (maybe even 5) cards to activate such an ability and forget the damage aspect. Taking damage does not phase her in the least. There needs to be a noticeable drawback.
The Fiddle is always a good choice. Im not sure about the 3 damage part, maybe consider 2, as that would be way too good considering what he can chain with it.
Chrono's stim pack, while a good idea, seems way too powerful. Like, WAY powerful. You turn him from a hootin tootin cowboy basically into a medic, potentially making the rest of his deck subpar. Why use any other power ever? Id consider rethinking this. He already has a healing bounty remember.
Omni X's collar is pretty freakin cool idea. Plus sesseptable to the damage like his other cards, I feel like this is a nice fit.
For Unity, see my OmniX comment, as it applies here as well. Cool concept.
Wow. What a great name for Scholars card based on what it does. Slow clap for you sir. That made my day. Letting him heal on enviro damage *could* potentially tip the scales and make him absolutly unstoppable. Maybe remove the healing aspect? Or replace it with a card draw instead. I like that idea better in a strange way.
Wow. Ok. Thats a lot of type.